“I’m with Sybil” says Ron, feeling too itchy for some action to appreciate a comfortable bed tonight. “Under the stars is how we used to do it asea.”
All other things being equal, Ron likes the sound of the Golden Egg.
Roy conned his way on and off ships his whole life. He could sleep tangled in rigging and dream of peaches. But eventually a man has to get something more. So Roy went to the hard dirt in search of treasure. First stop: Brandonsford.
Name: Roy O’Leary
Level: 1
Class: Fighter
Background: Shipwright
Appearance: sinewy
Personality: persuasive, rude
Strength: 17 | +2
Dexterity: 11
Constitution: 6 | -1
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 7 | -1
HP: 7
AC: 6
THAC0 (melee): 17
THAC0 (ranged): 19
MOVEMENT: 90’ (30’)
XP: 0
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Proficient with all armor, weapons, and shields.
EQUIPMENT: backpack, gambeson, gold pieces (15), hand axe, lantern (with 2 oil flasks), large sack, long bow (20 arrows), rations (7), rope (50’), shield, small sack, tinder box, wineskin
ENCUMBRANCE: 455 coins-weight