And one more report for me.
It seems like bashers are in dire need for rewrite of their AI. As I currently practice teleporting playstyle, I've observed the behaviour where a basher would stand still for a good while after puffing up her chest. My guess is that they wind up for a dash as they see me, but freeze on a place as I leave their line of sight (or, more typically, plane, as they seem to observe the player only within horisontal plane and their linear pathing). They can stay like this for quite a long time, until either shot down or if the player shows up in their field of vision in the same plane as they are.
Potential fixes would probably be to either allow them to deflate after a short period of time if dash wasn't initiated, so they'd continue to look for player doll to attack, or allow them to initiate the dash after wind-up regardless if the player is still within FoV or not. Their AI seems to be otherwise still smart enough to not dash off the edges of the map/planes, and even have some degree of mobility during the dash as they sometimes can turn while attacking.
(A little extra to this report, but I've been keeping tabs on NPCs and where I've met them. Out of all NPCs, Mist is the only one that I've met in only 4 buildings, not counting Gallery. Don't think I've seen her in Bank/Exchange once. Might be bad luck, but might as well be worth investigating. Also was there a consideration for creating a bug report form? I am starting to feel like me reporting my findings in comments might be a bit of a nuisance. All while I don't really see any other place to report them)