Update 21
This game has more feeling. That feeling's probably pain from all those projectiles.
First off, the Tankinator fight's almost done. I just gotta improve the boss's movement, add in an animation or two, and maybe add a cutscene. He shoots a spread of beams, a barrage of grenades, and a bunch of cannonballs. These attacks are decided at random. He also has a health bar now so you can see how much damage you dealt to him. Since he's likely the most memorable part of the game for now, it's important that he's well made.
Game Feel
First off, I put two new fonts in to replace the default Unity font. These two are called "Audiowide" (Used for more important text) and "Teko" (Used for regular text). In the screenshot, Audiowide is used for the text on the left and Teko is used for the text on the right.
Teko will likely be replaced since it's not very future-esque, but Audiowide seems to fit pretty well (I didn't use Audiowide for most text because it's kinda big, even if I shrink it, it's still pretty wide). Hopefully this makes text more interesting to read.
Second, I added a red vignette when your health gets low. When your health is 25 or lower, the screen gets redder. It's not much, but it helps make low health moments more intense. I still have work to do to improve the game feel, but this is a good start.
Pretty standard stuff. I still have some work to do to make the game good enough for another public build, but it's not much. I still gotta add music, better sound effects, and cutscenes, but other than that, it's just polish. I think I'll meet my self-imposed deadline of a March release.
There is a change of plan though, as instead of a third demo, I'm just going to go straight to early access. Anyone can play the game in it's current form at any time, and each time I release one of these devlogs, I'll update the game. This makes my changes much more tangible and gives y'all something to do every couple weeks.
Anyway, stuff is smooth. The YouTube channel and Discord server will probably be up by the next update, and if it is, I'll link it in that update and in the post at the top of this thread. No more to say for now, but here's some bonus art: the current iteration of this game's thumbnail while it's in early access.