Will any of the characters have their interactions expanded on at some point? Not that I'm not excited for more of Lil Koby's adventure, but... I'll admit, there are a few good characters I want to learn more about and have scenes for. Of course there is the cupcakes in the future which is nice. What I'm looking forward to is more events involving the pirate crew which are tied to like half the characters in the game in an interconnected web.
The pirates stole a shipment of magic times that the Kobold Mage ordered. Said Mage happens to end up becoming the boy friend of the Komodo Jock. Furthermore there's the connection that the Captain has to the Admiral which the captain doesn't have dialogue to comment on this. Additionally there is the the blue dragon and the Forest Knight the former drowning his sorrows at the bar and the latter being the brother of the Admiral.
Then there is the Rhino.
Seriously, the Rhino is becoming the running gag of this game. The guy who's going to be put off on updating. Second to the curse of Boyfriend which I'm excited for when you'll have that mapped out.
Anyways, hope to see that the next planned update (updates on the Trello that you aren't working on, but have an idea for) will address expanding on more character events like the cupcake update.
Love this game!