I recently acquired a full version of your distro and noticed that despite recent update to v8.0
AmiSSL was not updated to latest 5.19 (AFAIK you still have 5.18 in your distro).
Also why using ancient version 2.0 of Picasso96? There is free official release 2.1c or updated 2.1e, also free.
There is also newer DOpus 4.17 available.
Can you update at least AmiSSL and Picasso96 in next release please?
Also adding new themes is not clearly explained. I had a problem to figure out how to do it. I've noticed that import function can only add one theme at the time. Can you make it accept multiple themes to be added? There is currently 45 additional themes. It would be nice to be able to add all of them in one go, not one by one.