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The game felt rather unbalanced; enemies weren't hard and never really provided any interesting challenge. The concept of throwing enemies into the pit is cool, but it never advanced in difficulty. Later levels put platforms over the holes making it harder to toss enemies in, but all that did was make it take longer to defeat the enemies. One other recommendation I can make is for the menus to have same controls as the game. It felt weird switching between mouse and keyboard controls for the menu and game, particularly when each level ended with a 'next level' button. 

The dialogue was a nice break from the gameplay, but I eventually felt like the characters were just rambling about stuff, so I skipped the later text (it is very nice that you can skip dialogue). Even tho I didn't find much challenge in the game, it was still fun, I liked the flashes of light that came from the hole, made it feel very powerful. Nice ending scene. 

thank you for the feedback

I realy appreciate that you took the time to say every thing

I am very happy for hearing about your opinion and i think you are right about every single word

If i just had enought time i would make levels more interesting but studies took a lot from me

Thank you again for playing and i am glad you had fun