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A member registered Nov 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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Awesome game, great to see the questions being up to date with modern times! My best is 31! image.png

Hey zik, good to hear from you! Personally I love playing little toy games, and heck I feel you about big projects… I hope you can start looking after yourself, absolutely your health is the most important thing! Enjoy your break and take your time.

Oops, thanks it’s fixed now!

Should be fixed now, sorry!

Sorry there isn’t any option to save. But the game should only take 15-20 minutes to beat!

Oh there’s more than just three node types! I had thought there was only 1, 2 and 3 because the ? help screen only shows 123. Super dumb I know, but that’s what was causing a lot of confusion for me

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I have no idea what’s going on with this game. I know there’s the question mark at bottom right to get control info at any time, but this isn’t super helpful…

Some problems I had whilst playing:

  • First level shows arrows + z controls, but these do nothing until entering play mode. This wasn’t clear as it does nothing at the start, and I had a few times I was trying to edit code during play and confused why it did nothing. I had expected play mode would do something the moment I pressed play, I thought the controls were automated. Probably these control instructions should only appear whilst in play mode, and remove the editing instructions whilst in play.
  • The mouse controls are really tricky to use…
  • At some point, I lost the ability to draw connectors between nodes. Maybe a bug, or maybe I don’t get something. I retried and same thing happened again, but always a few levels in.
  • Idk what to do with the empty code block. The level I got stuck on shows something like a conditional, which I’d guess is related to that empty block, though I couldn’t figure out how to fill it in with an instruction. I see the move and end blocks, though number 2 is blank for me.
  • There was a level that mentioned that you can have up to two outputs from a node. Idk what that means, how that’s useful or what? I beat that level without doing that.
  • I’m now stuck on the first box level, I really have no clue what I’m doing, but I tried…

In that you can beat most levels in any way you want, creativity is encouraged! There is only one ending though.

I’d recommend downloading through the itch app! https://itch.io/app

Oh dang, that does really suck… This isn’t a great solution, but you could try on web, where you only need to press escape to exit. Perhaps a screenshot may work too. Sorry about the jank!

There was meant to be a secret ending which used this and a few other threads that were never made… but whoops game jam time limits

I would start by culling that thousand down to a more reasonable number, something like 100 games. I’d do this by evaluating the surface level quality of the game (does it have a video trailer, are people commenting / rating it, is the page well made, are there at least a few results on google for reviews / videos made by external creators)

I have really enjoyed the selection in past itch selects bundles, where there’d always been at least two games I was interested in, which justified the purchase, and I often ended up trying and enjoying a game I wouldn’t have expected. Personally, I’d be much less likely to buy a bundle with all visual novels or all horror games, as whilst I will occasionally play these, I don’t really want to play ten of them all at once.

I also feel that what made the itch selects bundle valuable was the curation of amazing games from across the site. There are already many other bundles in the sales tab which target specific genres / creators, but these almost all lack that special curation of hidden gems you may not have found otherwise.

Strategems community · Created a new topic Secrets?
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I got all the stones (including elusive zero) and am now curious, what’s the third difficulty option that gets blanked out? And what’s the meaning of “will you discover the █̸̟̘̜̑̏u̴͍̐̊█̸͕̆l̸̡̝͈͗s̵̩̩͊̇̈█̷͍̰̇͛█̷̧̰́ņ̶̣͇͐̃͠█̵̺͕͊̅͑ ?” I tried replacing those blanks (?u?ls??n?), but doesn’t seem there’s any word matching that pattern. I feel like there’s still some super duper secret I’m missing… I did notice that my winning deck against the first tutorial dude is supposedly this:


But there’s no way that I had 59-stone in my deck when I beat them and actually the icon shown there isn’t the same as 59-stone so idk. I don’t recognise ever using a deck like that, and I can’t replicate it without knowing what that mysterious ghost + black stone is. Could I get a pointer please?

Damn this game is so so awesome! I love how each challenge and stone is so different, that you really need to reorganise your deck for almost every battle. Really got to try out all of the stones, even that secret stone (which seems cool tho idk how to really use it… is it really that powerful?? The one thing I could think of was negating a negative to earn heaps of free energy, though was a big setup for seemingly marginal reward). I’m really glad that the game saves progress, excited to come back and hopefully beat that stone stealing boss, he’s insanely tough!

Found the beverage, but could not bring it home. 200m is the target for anyone else unsure!

I have never enjoyed score based games… until today, that was amazing! Haha there’s so many crazy synergies, and seeing that score stretch into the millions via devious tactics was so rewarding, incredible game!

Awesome demo! I can’t wait to collect all 100 coins (that’s how many there’ll be?.. right??!)

Please stop. All my work is hobbyist free stuff, which I’d hope is better than if there were no game at all. I am trying to do better with my latest games, and would appreciate you not spamming

Well actually, this one’s finished! It perhaps could be bigger but I think the current length is just right to avoid tedium

Does this masterpiece have a soundcloud track I can listen to?

Some hints to help:

SpoilerAre you sure you've got the whole crown, including the base of it? Look for the hell forge. If you have that, check the qr code in 3:F

oh hey maybe that’s not so bad of a score looking at the comments. Also is there an undo button, I see you mentioned there would be one in the mobile version

my best is only 17… I keep dying from things merging in unexpected ways, dragging something further than expected or otherwise just panicking. I wish the timer wasn’t there, and yeah there’s the endless mode but it then lacks any purpose outside of training for the main game. I’d love to see less focus on the timed element; maybe some puzzle levels where you get not much space to perform a handcrafted challenge or maybe money + upgrades to increase the area available in? 

Still though I enjoyed playing it a bit over the last few days, even tho my score still sucks, it was good fun!

(2 edits)

Good golly those final few puzzles are so so so dang hard, but after about two-three hours I got it, no hints or walkthrough needed, just lots of head scratching! Amazing game, the puzzles are so well made and I was really pleasantly surprised by the metroidvania element. The hardest part was getting my head around what could and couldn't be rolled / pushed on, a block being sunk into a hole = smooth but a pillar or rock being sunk = rough did my head in, not to mention sinking rocks to then recover wet logs. All very innovative stuff but with so many rules I often got stuck because I didn't fully understand them. The complicated rule set made for some cool moments but I also felt like there needed to be more puzzles to smoothly introduce you to everything. Still loved the game, a real head scratcher!

oh cool! I had played one round of regular and was hoping to play endless to practice for the main game. Got that unlocked now

On the App Store screenshots, I see a button for endless mode, how do I access that? Would love to play without the timer

How many rooms are in this game, can you give us a number? It must be almost a thousand rooms, maybe even more...

I was really craving some submachine and woah legacy comes out in 12 hours… Hype!

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yeah brute forcing would take a while, I'll never find the true best solution. But I've got a pretty good one that visits only 182 unique words to go via the 105 picture words (so it only touches 77 non-picture words), it uses a lot of undos which don't require you to visit any new words

wow it looks amazing! the mood is great and I love the depth of field effect, top tier art!

hehe it's possible to get softlocked in this room when you don't yet have the double jump. You can get here by in the room before the double jump power, falling down then air jumping right, down the pit above me =P

Awesome game, I came back to see what I could break and welp there it is! My one disappointment was reaching the ship and automatically winning before I'd collected everything

you beat me to it! I've got a python script in the works to calculate the smallest possible winning path that goes via all picture words

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Ayoooo I got it! 100% baybeee

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oh damn you can try downloading the game, sometimes browsers tank the performance of web games. Alternatively playing on Firefox tends to have best browser performance

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Awesome awesome little game, me and my little blushy boy got all(?) twelve things. I tried looking for the secret costume, but there's so many spots it could be hiding (do you need a specific costume, or is it related to the white flowers, or perhaps a riddle in the very fancily worded plaques). I'd love even just a hint on this

Really fun game, though I got into a bit of a bind. When I got the left laser, I went crazy and destroyed every wall in the room you collect the laser from. And I noticed a shortcut to the right, and knew I had to open it by coming in from the right, which I tried doing. BUT there was a secret trap that I didn't see coming. When going left into the room from the right, I stepped on the right peashooter weapon... I completely forgot that was there and was just focused on opening that shortcut... But I didn't open it, and now I've lost the laser. I tried getting back to the laser, but uh oh, I destroyed every solid block... Which kinda sounds good, but with the absolute barrage of enemies and projectiles in that room, there's now almost no cover at all. So I don't think it's really possible for me to get that laser back, oops

This is probably a totally dum mistake on my behalf, but is quite frustrating and I'm pretty sure unintended, so just wanted to report it. Despite that, I really really enjoyed the game, getting revenge with the laser is awesome!

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Damn I came back to this and finally beat it, including all of the secret levels! That default control scheme is so hard, I'm just lucky I found the alt control scheme on your LD page which is so much more comfortable. Awesome game, haunting soundtrack

and I'm so thankful that you make such amazing music open for anyone to use, thank you!

Thanks for this amazing asset, I’m using Forward in my latest game, Deliver to Whence you Came!