Spoilers etc.
If you have 01-ST-12 and 25-WI-K, you have both the unusual files. Every other file is just going to need to be found by figuring which person in 1 to 11 you're missing at what time bearing in mind each person appears exactly once in each scene for which they are alive, or possibly by using "find 00" to make sure you input all the 00 files when they were told to you. You've not missed any bodies from the original chain - 2 to 12 and K from the thunderclap, and 1 by suicide. I suppose Amelia would be 13 by the game's convention but there is no scene featuring her and it is implied she died long before present events.
I'm not sure what file links 21-LI-1-2-4 and 23-CH-1-2 as I probably made it a different route there. I'd guess a 22 scene, maybe? Did you get 22-LI-1?
If you get absolutely stuck I can just list out all the files but that's a last resort!