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(1 edit)

The game is split into 4 acts. The command "list" displays all the scenes in act 1. You need the command "list 2" to see the scenes in act 2, list 3 for act 3 and so on. Not a spoiler really, the game tells you this when you enter act 2 for the first time but it is easy to miss accidentally.










1. There's a very oblique clue to the agent's name in 21-CH-3.

2. The agent says he mentioned something that you haven't heard about anywhere else.

3. What structure do the agent's files have?

4. They're in the form 00-phrase.











Working out the agent's shorthand follows a particular order is one of the central puzzles. Having the numbers in a random order would detract massively. Being able to instantly infer who was the most recent death is useful to advancement in a lot of scenes.

Also, the agent created the number 1-12 system *before* the agent himself worked out Katherine was relevant. You can see that here:

"[@] Edit: looking back at all the deaths, it's clear there's one that doesn't quite fit the pattern. It took me a while to track it down, but I've now added one more scene that should complete the chain of events."

Katherine can't fit into the same numbering system the agent used because the agent only realised Katherine was relevant much later and her scene was gathered much later.

(2 edits)

I think I disagree with both of these comments re: the final clue. Spoilers below.

By the end of the game, a player should have worked out that a thunderclap sounds when and only when someone dies. There is a thunderclap during John's scene in 25-AT-1. John does not die after the thunderclap. Therefore, the player should be able to work out that someone else has died somewhere, and that any missing scene must be a 25- scene.

You are told Katherine is K in the preceding scene in 24-LI-1, when John has a conversation with her. That immediately marks her out as a K. She would be a very poor fit as 13, because the player should have already been taught that the deaths count backwards. Katherine could only be 13 if she was the death before Rupert. Indeed, the game explicitly relies on this logic - there's no way to find 01-ST-12 unless you make the inference that Rupert is 12 as the earliest death, since there is no other scene which refers to Person 12. Logically, Amelia (if she had had scene) would have been 13, and it would be highly confusing to have Katherine as 13. Equally, Katherine can't be 0 because she dies before John. Really, Katherine is actually "Person 1" by the usual schematic and John is the one who is misnamed, as strictly speaking he doesn't die from the thunderclap, but if you made, say, Katherine 1 and John J, the game would be far too easy (the player would immediately notice Person 1 was never mentioned).

As such, you should be able to work out that there's a 25-##-K scene.

Finally, once you realise it is Katherine, all the clues are provided for you to know she is in Wintercote and therefore that the missing scene is 25-WI-K. Changing anything else would just make it far too easy.

At best, I guess I have limited sympathy for the idea that the "rolling thunder" should perhaps explicitly be called a thunderclap.

I actually thought 25-WI-K was kind of obvious because you're told Katherine is given the moniker K - it took me longer to find 01-ST-12 because there's no scene in which you're ever explicitly told Rupert is 12!

(1 edit)

In case you don't work it out, you are missing


You can tell because you don't have any 22 file with Annie (2) or Oswald (3) present in it, and you know from 22-LI-1 that Oswald doesn't die until midway through scene 22.

(4 edits)

Spoilers etc.

If you have 01-ST-12 and 25-WI-K, you have both the unusual files. Every other file is just going to need to be found by figuring which person in 1 to 11 you're missing at what time bearing in mind each person appears exactly once in each scene for which they are alive, or possibly by using "find 00" to make sure you input all the 00 files when they were told to you. You've not missed any bodies from the original chain - 2 to 12 and K from the thunderclap, and 1 by suicide. I suppose Amelia would be 13 by the game's convention but there is no scene featuring her and it is implied she died long before present events.

I'm not sure what file links 21-LI-1-2-4 and 23-CH-1-2 as I probably made it a different route there. I'd guess a 22 scene, maybe? Did you get 22-LI-1?

If you get absolutely stuck I can just list out all the files but that's a last resort!

It's a shame we seem to agree Eleanor was a red herring, she was a more interesting plot point than the true solution, Amelia.

Also baffled as to the inclusion of the hangman game then - I wasted a fair bit of time trying to brute force it on the basic principle it wouldn't be included if it wasn't relevant!

Ultimately, two minor quibbles. Game was still excellent.

(1 edit)

There is no 00 scene. The 00 files never have the scene-place-character structure, they're usually information or messages directly from the agent. It is (probably) not an 00 file you missed, they're all explicitly signposted in other files and you could just double check you didn't skip over one by using "find 00".

There are 97 files in total, so you are missing 2.

To help more: every character appears once in every scene in which they are alive. For example, if you check the titles of the 04- files, you should find all the numbers 1 to 11 there. You explicitly meet almost all the characters very early on, being Persons 1 to 11.

This rule alone should be nearly enough to help you work out every file you are missing except two of them. One of the files it can't find, 25-WI-K, you already found, so I think one of the files you've missed is an ordinary file you can probably find by the process of elimination of just checking you can find every living person in every scene. Is anyone unaccounted for at any time frame?

The other file that rule can't find requires a little bit of inference from you. Here's some gentle clues which get progressively more pushing:

1. What signifies the death of a character?

2. Are there any of these signals you've found which don't seem to correspond with a death?

3. When did Rupert die?

4. Where did Rupert die?

5. What is the pattern that associates characters with number codes?


01-ST-12 is easily missed. It's the only file in which Rupert appears alive. The thunderclap for this happens very early on, in 01-QU-1-11, probably the first file you read. Note that in 01-QU-1-11, Harry Thornton knows who Rupert is for the first half of the scene ("worked for him all my life"), which means Rupert isn't dead yet. The thunderclap then happens halfway through, and Harry Thornton then says Mr Galley... now meaning Edmund.

You also get a clue in 01-LI-3-5, where Oswald and Martha are talking about Rupert in the first half of the scene, saying he just left, until midway through the scene there's the thunderclap.

You'll almost certainly have worked out that character numbers correspond to the order in which they die. Since Harry Thornton is 11, Rupert must be 12. You also know he died in the Study, again from very early on.

I don't think it can spread again, or at least not easily. It doesn't seem to be enough to remember simply anyone who died, you have to remember specifically the last victim immediately before yourself - somewhat analogous to It Follows. The officer who died isn't known to you the player, and on reading these files, you know enough not to try jog Alan Thomas' memories. It seems Thomas didn't know the officer particularly well, he was an outsider brought in, and Thomas can't put a name or description to him, so it doesn't seem to have kept going.

Spoilers below:


















This was a really well-crafted game, well done. The writing was punchy and the central hook of the deaths was compelling. Once you figure out the premise, probably at some point in Act Two, there's a sudden huge momentum and all the pieces fall into place, and it was very satisfying to revisit some older entries and recontextualise them.

There was one odd plot point I didn't quite get. It seemed like the main "haunting" was going to come from something relating to Oswald and Rupert's sister, iirc called Eleanor. Instead, she's remembered perfectly well to the end, and that whole thread of information seemed at best a red herring. It's odd that a character you get no real information on, Amelia, is "patient zero", and odd that Rupert remembers her only after years, with no context to who she was or why the player should care about her. Was there some chain before Amelia or was she the first? Why her? Is Dvorak's Humoresque a particular clue or joke? It was odd for Oswald to talk about ghosts getting into Martha and so on - the actual curse appears entirely unrelated to the house and just ended up with the Galleys by chance.

I'm not sure I understood John's motivations at the end. Initially I wanted to think he'd solved the case after talking to Annie at the Chapel, and when he realised the thunderclap had claimed Katherine, committed suicide to stop the chain spreading further by him accidentally remembering Katherine in future. On re-reading, I think this was an overly optimistic assessment - John has no idea whether Katherine had any further family (indeed, he couldn't possibly know, he would have forgotten everything about her...), and it seems likely he committed suicide thinking he'd had a mental breakdown and killed a house full of people or something similar.

I also never solved the hangman - it seems to reject every letter of the alphabet. Does it not have a solution?