Hey man :D Wow this has come on a lot - I love the main character sprite, really cool. It opens up the question of the theme plot, characters etc. I'm curious to know now, cos the main sprite is so cool. I really want to see some more animations on him though. Enemies are cool, but I think you can come up with loads more to add variation.
Personally, I love the idea of a bullet hell like this, I was tempted to do one myself back in Bootcamp 00, and playing this has restored my appetite a bit.
If you are going commercial, I think you need to work on these things as a priority:
a) game surface - it's already looking good, but you need story, plot, character and a reason for the enemy invasion to tie it all together. Have some fun, kick back with a drink (or whatever :D) and think about all that stuff. Then you can add lore, and maybe that will inform you/your artist of the kind of animations etc that will match the personality of your hero. And the same applies to enemies. On which note:
b) enemy variations, especially in the patterns they use. Go more towards bullet hells like Mushihimesama, and maybe amp it up to those levels as you progress and perhaps have more single enemies that fire out bullet hell variation patterns. I think that way it adds more challenge and also elements of interest. Like If those owls are at different levels, and maybe produce different but incredibly cunning bullet patterns, I feel like that would give the enemies more personality. It'll be like "oh no, it's the RED owl" or whatever :D
Anyway, I really enjoyed playing and love how far it has come on. The game has more personality and direction now, and I think it could be a cool little bullet hell, with the right elements added.
Great work, man, I look forward to seeing where it goes :D