another idea for a ghosty could be the grudge girl but as a adult
make it so she starts off shy and as she gets mad at us per day she gets hotter but at the same time more deadly
it makes players want to die by them if you give them 2 animations also
1 where she controls us and 1 where we control her
this mainly should be for all the ghosts if you gave them each a personality with the slowly pissing them off thing then it makes it seem more personal
another thing you can do is if you add the day per rage system you could add new animations based on the rage amount
first few days maybe they disapear before we can touch them
but later on they get so mad they want to fuck us to try and put us in our places to have it bite them in the ass or pussy litteraly
giving them each personalitys also helps here as you could make one blush while another might be more of a mother
oh also id suggest making 1 the alpha aka the one that is activly hunting us this would be picked at random
at which you can have all the girls spawned in doing things
idk how hard it would be but maybe a npc pathing system with goals in mind then setup pathing goals and animations once they interact with the areas
this could help you make it feel lived in by ghosts
id also suggest dropping the normal ghost hunting stuff for maybe a local friend
one of the ghosts could be your dead female friend her room mate told us she was there so we started to ghost hunt just to talk with her
but we got more then we bargined for
instead of the whole loading room maybe make it so we are at a campsite next to the house
with the room mate aka our girl at the current camp is inside the home
that would be the girls room mate who called us
you could tecnicaly merge the mainmenu and the first world together
with a laptop allowing us to travel to new areas