So-called "sensitivity readers" are just people who feel the need to get offended over nothing, on behalf of people who never asked for their "help." Sounds more like you let someone gaslight you into believing whatever you had in mind originally was "offensive." Contrary to whatever this person might be telling you (or echo chambers, of which is one), normal gays/bi folk aren't offended by everything, and are actually sick of being treated like infants. I'm guessing whoever this "reader" is, is American, or heavily influenced by them? Wouldn't surprise me at all, but it's odd, given your studio is listed as Polish on KS.
I can't tell you how to develop your own game, but I'd advise ditching the "sensitivity reader" and not buying into political ideologues telling you whatever you're doing might offend someone. Even if someone were offended, that's their own problem, no one else. Further more, your VN is a work of fiction; it doesn't need to conform to the real world.
While I wish you luck on your eventual KS (and was looking forward to it, myself), I no longer have a desire to back it. Over-correction and this bizarre fear of possibly offending someone even slightly has absolutely gutted modern gaming and media in general, and I have no desire to engage in it.