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I'm thoroughly convinced that Spencer is the canon story, there are just way to many hints in everyone else's routes that Spencer is into you, and it's the only one where you aren't exposed to something "traumatic" or "dark," (at least not yet, let's see what happens at the wedding lol). Plus, with everyone else's route, their lives or Eric's life changes a lot more than Spencer's if you think about it: Grifter takes a dark turn with his depression and then his ex comes and tries to kill him, Darius takes us to his job and could have potentially died in that motorcycle crash (FUCK ISAAC), Dozer basically has a personality change, and Eric almost get's raped/sodomized through hazing. With Spencer, it's just they come out to each other, they move in together, and Spencer decides to pursue his dreams (or course, let's see what happens at the wedding, but I think that it still stands)

Also, just imagine if this was another sport's team lol

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Secret: Spencer is actually a human in a very high-quality fursuit.

By eric you mean chester?


No, I mean Eric almost gets raped/sodomized IN Chester's route

wait whos eric?

The human you play as, it's his default name

Ah i see

wait the human has a default name???

how do u know???

Just play the game, but don't put a name for the character when it gives you the option, just hit enter until you see the opening on day 1


In a podcast livestream interview on youtube done by DeckerLink, he asked the creator of the game which route was canon? They did confirm the Spencer route is in fact canon, so good assumption :D

I'd show the video of it but it was five friggin hours long and i don't remember when it was said at @___@



Plus, if you think about it, Spencer is in everyone else's routes a little more than he should be, and he's the only character that gives you hints that he likes you. Everyone else just acts like they normally do.


thats because he's the only romance option Eric has history with prior to starting the game, with them being childhood friends. So spencer has always had a crush on Eric long beforehand, where the other 4 barely knew Eric besides their name lol. 


thats because he's the only romance option Eric has history with prior to starting the game, with them being childhood friends. So spencer has always had a crush on Eric long beforehand, where the other 4 barely knew Eric besides their name lol. 


To correct that Dyne said that it his personal canon, not that it is THE canon, I believe he isn't setting an actual canon story because he wants to leave it up to the individual player.


Actually I believe Dyne has stated in an interview that there is no set canon really. He left it up to the player to decide what they gelled with the most. Basically you decide what is canon for you, like how dyne goes for Spencer but doesn't enforce that he is the canon love interest.

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No, Dyne has repeatedly confirmed on Twitter and Patreon that Spencerโ€™s route is a canon route. In Dyne's words, Spencer has loved Eric since before the start, and he has to watch him go through each other route and find love with someone else. Also according to Dyne, Spencer's the only person that really ends up missing out if you don't choose him. I have no links, but it's true and many people have already seen this. If you don't wanna to believe, that's fine. But he's Eric's canon lover, clear and simple. And if some route is recognized to be a canon by developer, then this doesn't mean that all other routes aren't important. This is not true, all routes and characters are loved and important:)

he literally said in the interview he didn't want to say who the canon lover was because then people would get the wrong idea about the direction he wanted it to go in. You can literally go to the interview and watch it and see it yourself. Spencer is Dyne's personal canon but he specifically doesn't set one as the definitive because, as he said himself, he wanted to leave that up to the player.

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As i was saying, i saw other comments about Spencer's route being canon (Twitter and Patreon) and he confirmed that the route is not just his personal canon but simply the canon, true route of the whole novel. So I will stick to my statement. You can also ask Dyne about it in details on Twitter. But if you're right, it's okay. Spencer will always be my canon (as well as canon of many, many people) no matter what ^^