I got a hearty chuckle out of this one, I share much of the sentiment of the others. I've also recently rewatched Office Space, so I got the vibes from that. Pachelbel's Canon also seems oddly cathartic to hear while beating printers.
The feedback I'm gonna give is pedantic, I dont' want it to go amiss that I think this is wonderful!
The first minigame, I'll call it the Long Jump one, I seemed to reach 100m, then rubberband backwards - I couldn't really tell what had happened, but on one go, I seemed to be flung from 100m back to 8 (I think it recorded the max length, anywho)
The volcano one was almost too easy, I just had to click on the right segment five times in a row - perhaps if the optimum point shifted ever so slightly, or something?
The last one was wonderful. Although, if I ever hear "AUH-MAZING" from now, I'm just gonna think of beating up printers.
Great job!