The core dice game is definitely interesting enough as a baseline! One thing wasn't clear to me: is the dealer prevented from rolling too high, or does he reroll until he gets a non-bust result? (Or did I just never notice the dealer rolling too high, by chance?)
Viewing post in Playtesters needed for a hypno-gambling text game
Hi! I've been making endless tweaks to the gambling mechanics to try to get the odds right between the player and the dealer. It originally worked such that the dealer would roll two dice simultaneously (I just wrote some logic for him to choose the two dice based on the Line). I found that this resulted in just a ton of variance in the dealer rolls, with him either busting or rolling very low most of the time. By playing a "safe" strategy (basically never risking busting), the player could get a 70%+ winrate.
To tweak this, I've now made it such that the dealer rolls each die independently. He chooses his second die based on the outcome of the first roll (just like the player does). I currently have the logic configured such that the dealer will usually play it safe, but will occasionally get greedy and take a small risk of busting.
I'm going to update the text in future updates so it's clear that the dealer is rolling the die sequentially. I don't want it to feel like the dealer is cheating with his rolls.