Pretty spooky! I think the audio and visuals are on point, I feel like the pixelation is only a little too much in the subway sections but otherwise, I think you did a really good job with the overall vibe and like what you were going for.
I wish that I could change the button to spam from E to the spacebar or the mouse. It's not too big a deal it would just feel a little more comfortable, E feels a little awkward to me. That might make the PC/Coffee sections a little easier but I still think it's something to consider.(Unless you can and I missed it)
My favorite of the PC/Coffee sections was Day 4. Having to look at them to keep them back while you're spamming is a good twist for the tension. The only thing is that I feel that Day 4's PC/Coffee, in terms of mechanical escalation, feels more like a final level than Day 5's. Maybe there could be a Day 6 where you have to look at them AND have a timer.
Overall I really liked it, you did a good job! I'd also like to thank you for checking out our game and leaving a nice comment!