I've really been looking forward to this!
Since I knew Mahjong already, I went straight into the story mode, and the first match felt really rough around the edges. There didn't seem to be any way to check the characters' powers while in the match, so I was just kind of flying blind about all the abilities getting fired off, and about what my own ones ("master baiter"?) even did, since there aren't any tooltips or anything.
All the abilities happen so fast, too, it's so easy to miss them - I think something like a chatlog-style window that tracks them, with mouseover tooltips for what stuff like getting "aimed at" or "poisoned" even does, exactly, would go a REALLY long way to clear up the confusion there?
Lastly, the music got really grating REALLY fast and I found myself wishing there was a way to adjust the volume from the pause menu!
That's all! Right now, this is looking pretty rough, but I'm really excited for how it'll end up later down the line!