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(1 edit) (+2)

I really enjoyed Rift, i played it in a stream and here's what i liked : 

-The art is SO good, it reminds me of Celeste a bit, and also hallow knight, i think it's a mix of   both in a  7 days game version lol.

- The ability to hide is so cool, it adds a lot of fun.

- The game mechanics fit so well, it's smooth and easy to controle, i got used to it in two or three attempts.

What needs to be improved :

- The hiding ability needs to last much longer i guess, maybe make it as long as the the bar showing the energy and reduce the refill speed.

- I couldn't pass third level , i start with three lifes and some enemies consume them all with one hit, which can be annoying, i tried running to those ice blocks without killing anyone but always arrive with a half to 2 hearts, and here is a good spot to put something to refill your health, because then comes a lot of enemies besides the previous ones !

- The theme is not well hit thou

it's really fun and kept playing it a lot! 


Thanks for playing!

About the hide ability: we hoped that through a bit of trial and error players would see that overhiding or being overaggressive, were both inneffective ways of playing the game. We wanted the player to have to mix it up, a sort of "hit and run" style of play, strategically moving around and attacking certain people to get through to the next area.

In the tutorial room, on the ground it said that each room needed a key to open the door to the next room. This was to prevent the player from just running straight past all the enemies like you attempted haha!

Also the enemies don't actually one-shot you. Just some enemies shoot multiple projectiles from one spot, and if you stand on that spot you end up taking a bunnnnch of damage(apparent one shot). In fact each projectile itself does about 1 or 0.5 hearts of dmg.

This is from my previous comment but here is why the game is related to the theme: “the main character’s skill set and mechanics are based around portals and dimensions. He has the ability to portal to different dimensions(space bar ability), hide in the rift(hole in space) and has a portal-style attack.”  

Glad you enjoyed it atleast, and thanks for the feedback!