Cool game! I gave up on this level because it was getting too tedious to re-place every item each time. I think it would be nice if when you die what you placed stayed there and then you could maybe drag them to move them? or if you had an option to recall your item placements from before with a button or something, so you can adjust just one item and not redo everything.
Also I would never hide the build objects at the bottom, allow hotkeys for them 1-10 etc and allow the mouse wheel to instead rotate the items, it would make the building a lot smoother. (Also sometimes I clicked to place something but it didnt I think? Maybe I clicked between the boxes? But I think it should just choose the closest box if so)
Anyway grats on finally finishing/uploading a game for the jam! It's a good one with potential, I hope you take some time to push it even further! ^_^