Hey there, lots of good suggestions. We are always improving the ragdoll issues, and it's always an uphill battle, eventually we'll get it nailed down. As for money, using the treasure finder on the ship will be you best bet, but I think we're going to re-balance the currency in short order. Character rotation in the closet is a great idea! Body sliders are coming! Thanks for the feedback!
Just wanna add something, I saw some 'target' icons on the map, tried sailing to it but it seems that there's only some islands that have those oil extractors but I never really got to the said icon after sailing for about 30+ mins. Is there anything to visit there or is that just a bug?
Also, I forgot to say this but I had a bug wherein a bear hit me a few times, and somehow I was stuck on walking speed for a while. Tried to heal/sleep but it was somehow persistent. Had to reset the world just to fix it. I think the walking speed was the same as when you're aiming.