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A member registered May 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Also, I'd love to try to convince you to do this, like, consistently.

Shoot me a message on discord if you would, first, I've added a cheat code specifically for people who help out with bugs, but don't want to expose it public, I'd throw out my email but I don't love the idea of doxxing myself.

Just about wrapping these up. Honestly this has been some of the best feedback I've ever received, and frankly the first time I've been a little embarrassed of the work, but in a good way. Are you on our discord?

This was the best bug report ever. Would love more if you've got them, even if their not exactly bugs, the feedback is great!  These are a very good example of why not to shoehorn shit in at the last moment. New hotfix is out!

This is a great reason to nuke your saves before you start testing! Thanks for the catch, hot fix released and links should be updated!

You shouldn't, but I'd be very interested to see if you had a problem with one of your old saves.

I am adding a feature to the game directly inspired by this comment, so look out for that in the next drop(;

There's a big tower behind the jungle island!

Find them berries, take em to big mommy.

We've toyed around with it quite a bit, and trust me when I say tapping into the android market would be really nice, but the physics involved and scale of the world are already a bull to try to get performant on PC, I do like the idea of a companion app though. 

Hey awesome feedback, a lot of this is is somewhat intentional, the character is supposed to be a little floppy and hard to control, but I agree it can be very cumbersome at times, and it's a balance we're always trying to get right! Control layouts is a big need here, and honestly we've been trying to make it more accessible in general, hopefully our coming update can solve a lot of that. As for fps issues, I'm very interested at why that might be, it seems like you've got more horsepower than a steam deck, which we use as a "lower end" benchmark to make sure we can hit a locked 60, so I'm very interested in what the iris may be doing different. Lastly, I really like the idea of not climbing automatically, I actually spent a bit a few nights ago working on tuning the specific portion, and a manual climb is definitely something I'm going to look into, awesome suggestion! If you've got any more and I'd be excited if you did, please shoot me a message on discord or pm me or throw a note wrapped around a brick through my window!

Hey there! While there is no bang button, we will be putting out a control map in the coming update. But to summarize here, Q to roll, E to interact, TAB to open the phone, MOUSE WHEEL to cycle weapons, WASD to move, SPACE to jump, and you know, mouse to look around. To bump uglies, you should go help people out on the islands, or take any shiny fruit you find to a giant black castle

Plus I have an inability to not act on criticism, so look out for an updated control scheme, like, tomorrow.

Honestly, I agree.

Hey thanks for playing! If you want to troubleshoot the save game, shoot me a pm or a discord message!

Just updated! Thanks for the heads up.

windows, but we don't support any sort of launcher provided by itch. Downloads can be downloaded in a zip format from

did a little research, I didn't even know itch had a windows app, but you may just need to grab the zip from the website!

I don't recognize the platform you're using. Currently we only build for windows. What am I looking at here?

Hey! Thanks for the feedback! We've been looking to make things clearer, and quests and controls are a big part of that! Currently the quests are very short and really more of a stand in for the SFW version as most quests end in a NSFW scene!

Thanks for the heads up! Description is updated with this!->

Wow, thanks man! We've spent a lot of time to try to make something different, and it's a huge payoff to see someone think the same! This is the stuff that keeps us going!

I haven't played it since it released on vita, but it must have really left an impression!

Thanks my guy.

Oh shit, right, or sub to our Patreon!

equip the pink overalls and jump in the water, there's a shader I'm having issues with. Or, create a transparent png and add it to the custom costumes!

Holy shit man, this brought a tear to my eye. This is literally everything that we've been shooting for. Thanks so much, seriously. If you follow our free tier Patreon and send us a message, we'll hook you up with the newest NSFW build, as I will be printing out this comment.

You should try pressing F after the cannon fires you!

We'll be adding saves, main menu, and other qol stuff with our next release!

Our next update will be our first intro into NSFW content, our current model is to release the bulk of NSFW content to patrons exclusively while maintaining a free to play version here!

At this point I don't believe the performance is there, however, we do plan to make some changes to the terrain that may give us some wiggle room to port this to Android!

Currently, (I think) all nudity has been scrubbed from this build. We have some fairly fleshed-out systems for a number of interactions, and we're hoping to test-drive some more nsfw content in the coming days in v0.0.2. We hope to use feedback here to shape just how far we jump into the horny end of the pool!

Boobs! 😍😍😍

Thanks for giving the game a shot! Any feedback is always appreciated!