We're still actively working on this issue, you may check out our discord for some of the dev builds, we have a new solution that I hope fixes the issue!
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Hey these are all good and some are in an update that we're about ready to send out for testing. The amount of gacha coins on each island is a great idea, but many are replayable, however I think the idea would work really well for the unique costumes in each area. Resolutions are also a great one, I really need to focus on some increased accessibility there. Keep an eye out for the new version, thanks for playing and the feedback!
That's weird, this is the direct link https://mega.nz/file/J69giIjJ#F1tJoJ-CgybSU2jJ_OJirY9D2PIFmkZ4ITlJS9qVA2A
This looks like it may be a ram issue, basically I don't unload a scene until the next is loaded so that our animations can play. I do think I can solve this by making a buffer scene so only one major scene is loaded at a time, but it's not a patch I can apply retroactively, however, I'll implement this in the next update and ping you!
Pretty much do the opposite of what we're doing! Started this a few years ago as a way to learn C#, and it devolved into an overly ambitious passion project that has just now started to not suck! If you want to make a game, I would start small, find a platform that takes out the heavy lifting (unity for us) and do some experimenting to find the fun. We made a jiggly lady that you can knock over, and build around it!
Hey awesome feedback, a lot of this is is somewhat intentional, the character is supposed to be a little floppy and hard to control, but I agree it can be very cumbersome at times, and it's a balance we're always trying to get right! Control layouts is a big need here, and honestly we've been trying to make it more accessible in general, hopefully our coming update can solve a lot of that. As for fps issues, I'm very interested at why that might be, it seems like you've got more horsepower than a steam deck, which we use as a "lower end" benchmark to make sure we can hit a locked 60, so I'm very interested in what the iris may be doing different. Lastly, I really like the idea of not climbing automatically, I actually spent a bit a few nights ago working on tuning the specific portion, and a manual climb is definitely something I'm going to look into, awesome suggestion! If you've got any more and I'd be excited if you did, please shoot me a message on discord or pm me or throw a note wrapped around a brick through my window!
Hey there! While there is no bang button, we will be putting out a control map in the coming update. But to summarize here, Q to roll, E to interact, TAB to open the phone, MOUSE WHEEL to cycle weapons, WASD to move, SPACE to jump, and you know, mouse to look around. To bump uglies, you should go help people out on the islands, or take any shiny fruit you find to a giant black castle