This is literally the first time I'm hearing of this! Thank you!
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Hey there, lots of good suggestions. We are always improving the ragdoll issues, and it's always an uphill battle, eventually we'll get it nailed down. As for money, using the treasure finder on the ship will be you best bet, but I think we're going to re-balance the currency in short order. Character rotation in the closet is a great idea! Body sliders are coming! Thanks for the feedback!
The work we're starting in on now is basically all the handholding we should've had a year ago. Quests, tutorials, etc. The icons above your head are more indicators than prompts, Burger is just hunger, the save icon is just indicating that it's saving the game, you'll see the same with the health bar. As for controls, it's not a movement shooter, but it shouldn't necessarily be floaty, and definitely aimed at mouse and keyboard, is the game running at a stable frame rate? Also, thanks for the feedback!
Hey these are all good and some are in an update that we're about ready to send out for testing. The amount of gacha coins on each island is a great idea, but many are replayable, however I think the idea would work really well for the unique costumes in each area. Resolutions are also a great one, I really need to focus on some increased accessibility there. Keep an eye out for the new version, thanks for playing and the feedback!
That's weird, this is the direct link
This looks like it may be a ram issue, basically I don't unload a scene until the next is loaded so that our animations can play. I do think I can solve this by making a buffer scene so only one major scene is loaded at a time, but it's not a patch I can apply retroactively, however, I'll implement this in the next update and ping you!
Pretty much do the opposite of what we're doing! Started this a few years ago as a way to learn C#, and it devolved into an overly ambitious passion project that has just now started to not suck! If you want to make a game, I would start small, find a platform that takes out the heavy lifting (unity for us) and do some experimenting to find the fun. We made a jiggly lady that you can knock over, and build around it!