And LiminAce did it again! I woke up at nearly 10 am today and was met with an announcement from that you released a new VN, and since I'm kinda on a break this week, there's really nothing much to do but playing your new game and making a playthru for it, guess it's the norm now😂
This one sure triggered some of my unhappy memories at college, glad that I was out of it before I even knew it (or did I..?). I feel like this is the most personal (and relatable) game ever that you've ever made up to this point (to me at least), even though it ends tragically (oops spoiler), I enjoy how the story progresses and the character is portrayed, how helpless and overwhelmed Alice must have felt when rotting away in that bed, almost like if there were sleeping pills laying around, he would down the whole bottle and enter eternal bliss. Midway through the game I had hoped he would at least take small steps by cleaning bits of the room, taking out the trash and plants, but as advertised, he just lives with it... I don't even want to wonder if his sis ends up performing autopsy on him.
And as usual, another early playthrough video, sooner than anyone else, please note I never meant to be the first or sth, I just happened to be here like the first day (come on Mr.Clockworks you even have a cameo in one of LiminAce's games don't be jealous about this jk). Few weeks ago I was staying up late past midnight, trying to complete some video projects, there were several nights like that so I somewhat feel what you'd feel like right now, get some rest! And I wish the best results to come to this game!