any suggestions for new gameplay?
Viewing post in Little Chef jam comments
since a lot of the game is just guessing ingredients and amounts over and over, leading the player in the right direction somehow might alleviate some of the random guessing (obviously its not completely random but sometimes it felt this way especially with portion amounts). First thing that popped out to me is the recipe book isn't a recipe book but a compendium, which is okay to have but you could split up the two into respective areas where the recipe book doesn't give you the recipe but shows you the image non grayed out already, while giving you potential hints. Also since certain meals are similar to another, you could have a tree discovery system on a single recipe page where having one basic recipe could lead you to cooler combinations, and focus on that element more perhaps? also for a more fuller and larger experience, the game could be based around serving unique orders and having a gimmick where more different meals earn higher ratings so you can't be bland and you need to keep cooking new meals maybe. have a goal where your unique meal restaurant needs 5 star ratings by the end of the week, blah blah etc. etc.
not sure if this is any good since this is not in my game design field but maybe some things to think about?