I had a chance to play your game. I really liked the artwork and sprites, really nice use of colors too! I always admire devs that make their own stuff. The bedroom scene was great and you used it really well to convey the character without overcomplicating stuff. I’d love to see some more dialogue to flesh out the main villain, as it didn’t really felt menacing, but I understand the time constraints.
I did found quite a few hiccups with the engine use, normal for a short dev period, but that you should really take care of, as they may make it difficult for people to play: The chess pieces freeze the game when colliding with anything. This is most likely due to a checked “Wait for Movement” box in the Move route event. Simply unchecking them should fix it. Also, one of the exit events in the “hands/eyes/etc.” puzzle (right side) yields “wrong” no matter the combination, while the other works as intended.
Overall, a really nice effort with solid storytelling and puzzles. Good job!