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It's funny because I unironically named the "Recesses Of Dilemma" project as "MyHouse2" thinking "now it's my trademark" xD

Sure, suggestions are always welcome, I will try writing more devlogs from now on so feel free to leave any.

The dungeon will be relevant to the story, very much so, also I'm adding an exit to it so it will be possible to return back to the surface.

I'm also planning to add a save/load system so hopefully that'll help as well, there won't be the need to restart the game in order to explore different endings.

Could you elaborate on the jump part? Do you mean those times it's supposed to jump but doesn't quite, I know there are some issues but this is one of those things I'm not entirely sure where to start from.

Thank you, it will probably still take a long time until it's  ready for testing but if everything goes well and I finish before the deadline I'll accept your offer, thank you!


very glad to hear about the dungeon! as for jumping, what makes it dodgey for me is two things:

- when you jump, the camera moves forward and backward (even when you jump while standing still). it feels more realistic and cinematic, but it sometimes leads me to over or undershoot a jump while trying to land, like im compensating for the position of the camera when it doesnt necessarily reflect where my feet are. i would try locking the camera to just up/down movement when jumping, only moving forward or back when the player presses W/S

- you take off walking as soon as your feet touch the ground. given how small a lot of the platforms are, this usually means walking right off the platform you just landed on. what might help: adding a small recovery time (maybe .5 to 1 sec) after landing where walking is disabled or its speed is greatly reduced

just some of my observations. sorry they're worded weirdly. hope they make sense lol


Everything makes sense. I agree with you, I wonder why I never thought of it though, it's likely I'm so used to that jump that I developed tunnel vision. I'll improve it following your suggestions, rest assured. I just need to switch the main character's mesh with the newer one first, hopefully it won't cause other problems.