For the most part it's a fun and well made game, though I do think there are a few things about it that feel, for lack of a better way of putting it, incredibly BS. This might just be an issue with the web version, but sometimes the movement controls lock up for no apparent reason and I'm unable to move my character for about a second or so, usually leading to damage taken that I should not have taken. There are also a few attacks from the boss, particularly those sort of wavy bird shaped ones, where it can drain like half of the health bar in a single hit which is especially irritating when the attack is as unpredictable as it is while simultaneously taking up as large an amount of screen space as it does - I really think attacks like that should be at least a little more lenient and not stack so much damage on the player all at once like it does, maybe by making it its own special damage type that does a specific preset amount of not-half-of-the-healthbar damage and then deactivates if the player connects with it if you don't want to go the route of just introducing temporary invuln frames after the player takes damage. Also, I'm not sure whether or not the downloadable version might already alleviate the following issue, but in the web version it is INCREDIBLY difficult to see where the mouse pointer is on the screen to be able keep attacks targetted on the boss and could REALLY do with a custom reticule which is well-defined and heavily contrasted against the color scheme of all the chaos happening on the screen so it can't be lost in the noise of it all so easily. Similarly, the indicator for where the boss is located when offscreen really shouldn't be the same color as all of the bosses attacks and needs a better constrasting color as it also is extremely easy to lose track of amongst the chaos. Additionally, I feel like the "reload" for the bullet-deflecting scythe swipe could do with a bit of a rework to make it clearer to the player when the cooldown period is over as it was a bit difficult to tell at times when I could use it again. I also think the mechanic would benefit from having the length of the cooldown slightly shortened, as the interim period as it is sort of just felt "off" to me and often made engaging with it more frustrating than it was rewarding. Overall though I found it to be an enjoyable, challenging, but also a little bit frustrating, game. Definitely something I could see myself picking up when it is complete.