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A member registered Sep 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Standalone simply means that you don't also need to own the parent game that the mod was originally built off of, which in this case would be Quake. Many authors of such things do include a sourceport along with the release, but not always. For instance there are a ton of standalone Duke Nukem total conversions, but in that community it is very common to NOT include the sourceport as it is assumed that most people playing the mods will have their own copy of eduke set up already. Similarly it is also a common occurance in the DOOM modding community and often you will find "standalone" .ipk3 files which don't require the user to own a copy of DOOM or even FreeDOOM, but you will still need to acquire a sourceport of your choosing first to actually play it.

I know that even if I'm right you would still be highly unlikely to affirm it, but I have a lingering suspicion that you were involved in the My House project.

I could have sworn there was a final update with some extra maps in the works for this at some point. I at the very least remember seeing a stream where you were working on it. Have you lost interest in the project or just Doom in general?

You probably need an older version of GZDoom at this point. This released in 2018 so imagine a version like 3.8.2 would probably work.

Not sure what the issue is, but it doesn't produce any sound at all for me.

I am so fkn happy I randomly stumbled on your recent video about how broken the OG Dong Dong is and through that found out about the existence of this project. I can't believe this exists, but I am so very glad that it does. I wonder how viable a competitive scene is for this. It would be amazing if there was some way to integrate this with Fightcade, but knowing  absolutely nothing from a development standpoint about either project I have no idea if such a thing would even be possible without an unreasonable amount of extra work to fit it all together. Regardless, this is amazing.

(7 edits)

Oh cool, so even though my thoughts on your release were overall positive, instead of being reasonable regarding the extremely minor criticism I gave regarding a function that is available in virtually all games, which is a pretty universally expected QoL feature and which, again, has a function for it built into Unity which would only require you to add a few additional lines of code and a basic button to enable/disable it, you decide to seethe and sarcasm-post because you need me to Google something for you. Enjoy!

Has the developer of this said or released anything at all in the past year? As far as I can tell the last time they posted anything publicly was over a year ago at this point. Is the project dead? Not sure how confident I feel about "pre-ordering" something with so much silence surrounding it. The demo was fantastic, but allowing a game to be open to preorders comes with a necessary level of transparency and accountabilty that I'm just not seeing here.

The game looks cool I don't at all want to take that away from you and it's obvious you put in effort making this, but dude, you should really learn how to add the extremely basic graphics option to give the player access to fullscreen and windowed modes WITHIN the same build instead of releasing separate builds. It's Unity afterall, the ability to do that is literally already built into the engine.

Skill issue.

Cool game that could desperately use some more lenient movement. Right now it's waaaay too particular that you follow the exact "correct" path around the bends of these tunnels. If you stop just a centimeter short around any turn it won't let you progress until you find the exact correct angle the game expects of you to move that extra little bit needed to continue down the path even though it visually looks to be wide open (Figuratively speaking. Most of the tunnels here really aren't that tight compared to many IRL caves.).

(1 edit)

Considering it's their own fault for not putting in the bare-minimum amount of effort required to answer their own question, i.e. reading a single line of text, then actually I kind of do think they deserve to be insulted for it, as do you and anyone else who defends such blatant laziness/stupidity.

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I don't disagree with your points, but it looks like you're coming at this like it's an actual demo for an actual game, but it's not an actual demo for a game, it's a tech demo, i.e. a sort of playable "toy" meant to demonstrate engine capabilities and featuring something vaguely put together which may at some point turn into an actual game. It's meant to show off the engine's realtime fractal geometry and general ambience; the pseudo-objective and monster is just bonus.

i beat moon bird by stayin still an doing  not

Haven't tried it yet, it looks cool so I will be later, but I just wanted to say I'd recommend changing the name of the Linux download to actually include the word "Linux", because just x64 is incredibly ambiguous and could refer to any 64bit OS, which in this case is all 3 of them.

(2 edits)

"One on One II" seems broken. Enemy doesn't spawn with a weapon and all there is on the level is what looks like maybe a watermelon or mine or something, but nothing happens with it regardless of what you do.

Wait, I figured it out, but why the hell do you have to jump and then teleport it to get the bomb to explode? Why can't we just throw it? The concept was also never taught to the player in previous levels.

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You can't read that well can you?

I hope that clarifies things for you.

(2 edits)

It's been a while now since I tried it, but as I said before I was not able to do absolutely anything outside of read the descriptive text for things. There was no options whatsoever for me to actually use or manipulate anything inside or outside of the inventory. I will try again with a different browser or perhaps with adblock and my personal userscripts disabled to see if it makes any difference later this evening. I don't want you to think I am being completely negative though. I do love the aesthetic of it and what I was able to experience had a great mood, it's just I wasn't able to do anything besides the most basic playthrough.

Nothing at all happens when I click the bait box. It gives me some descriptive text that tells me there is food in there but there is absolutely no option as far as I can see which would allow me to retrieve anything from the chest to place down anywhere.

(3 edits)

I got to the end of the game and it said I hadn't discovered anything, but I'm really not sure what I'm supposed to do. Nothing in the inventory combines and there doesn't appear to be any way to use inventory items outside of the inventory. If there are additional controls a mention of it in the description would be helpful. I played through twice and nothing changed. Left the safe area multiple times, examined the water pool multiple times, still no way to combine items and no other items to pick up, no way to use items outside of the inventory, ect. If there is something else to do here or some other way to do it it really is not obvious.

Playing the browser version btw. Also, I want to make it clear that I left the safe area and examined the pool several times inbetween each rest. The only thing that ever changed was the body disappeared and I was never prompted with any way to use any of the items I had in the inventory (which after resting was only the water bottle and the tablet). I tried clicking literally everything several times each and nothing happened. Like, I'm just really trying to make it clear that I did absolutely everything that would have been obvious to do. I've played a lot of adventure games over the years, I'm not new to the genre, I understand how they work, so I'm really trying to make it clear here that something is amiss beyond basic user-error.

(2 edits)

Wow. That's a pretty impressive cope & seethe. Stay incredibly mad. Lmao.

Also, mind my own business? Really? You made a post on the Internet... on a public forum... a public forum with a comment reply section built into it which exists for the express purpose of replying to comments... LMAO STAY MAD BRO.

You really don't think the author already knows that? The game is called RISING UP. I wonder what the opposite of RISING UP might be? Hmm...

I never got an answer so I guess I'll just delete both and never play it. Learn how to properly version your releases.

Not bad. I honestly think it would have been better without the "romance" side plots as horror and romance usually aren't genres that work all that well mashed together unless you're reaaally careful about it. Besides that I saw a few issues with the whole concept, mainly because spores are like, really, really tiny, like way tinier than you probably realize and unless the characters are in a truly air-tight hermetically sealed enviroment that entire city would have been wiped out already, just keeping the doors and windows closed really isn't going to be enough to stop spores from getting in. Finally it's the ending kind leaves the player with blueballs, but I imagine it was probably a quick solution to meet the jam deadline, so I don't hold it against it too much, but overall it was a pretty fun story and I'd be interested in checking out some of your other work.

Awesome! I wasn't expecting anything like that so soon, but thank you for adding it!

(3 edits)

Maybe it's just a personal thing, but for myself at least it's incredibly frustrating to have a really fast lap that feels like I'm about to break a record completely ruined because of a blind corner where as soon as I make the turn "BAM!" another car is there for a head on collision bringing me to a near standstill deleting all momentum and completely ruining the lap. Like I seriously cannot overstate just how often that exact scenario happens. Or how often a car just so happens to block the intersection for a turn juuuust as I get to forcing me to either slow down entirely or crash into them, ect. It would be one thing if there was a degree of determinism to the traffic patterns during the races, so I could at least then plan for it, but it being totally randomized isn't very enjoyable to me personally, at least not for a mode that's all about trying to get the best possible time.

I've only played the game on browser so far. Last time I checked PICO wasn't free to download, but I'm not actually sure if that means I can't play games released for it without owning PICO itself, so I haven't even tried the download version.

Also, I was able to get my Downtown time to 26:09, just short of getting a gold time. I've been able to get silver in every race I've tried so far, but for some reason the gold times always seem to be juuust out of reach.

Edit: As a side note, I've been playing this a bit more today and haven't yet experienced the turning/key press issue that I did before so it's possible it was just an issue with my keyboard, maybe it wasn't plugged in all the way or who knows, but either way it appears to be fine now.

(8 edits)

This is a lot of fun, but holy hell the randomized traffic can be absolutely cancerous in the race mode. I honestly think the race mode would be way more enjoyable if traffic was turned off entirely. The randomized traffic during the races adds too much BS to the equation which ends up making it kind of frustrating.

Also, just would like to confirm if you tested all of the "gold" times to make sure they were realistically possible? A few of them seem like they might be nearly impossible to get unless you get perfect traffic RNG and drive extremely well on top of it. For instance on the "Downtown" track I drove a lap that I thought was pretty dang great where almost no traffic showed up and I didn't make any obvious mistakes or crash into anything and still only got a 27:00 and I'm not sure what else I'd need to do to shave off another second to get below the 26:00 and I was only able to get that 27:00 after doing the track maybe 30 times and finally getting a good lap with almost no traffic.

Other than this uncertainty it is still a lot of fun and has a great feel to it, especially for a "3D" PICO racer. The only other issue I've noticed is that every once in a while for some reason the car will seem to turn way harder to one direction or another than it usually would, like normally if I tap left it will just adjust slightly to the left, but every once in a while I'll tap a direction and the game will read it as if I'm doing a long press and turn HARD in that direction. Doesn't happen often, but I've noticed it happen like once every ten races or so.

(1 edit)

Not too far in yet, but you've got me interested and it's obvious you put a lot of work into making it. Aesthetically, it's really well done. 

My main complaints so far aren't too intense, but I do have a few:

1. If you're going to open a game up with a quote, it better be a damn good one. In the vast majority of cases where a visual work (game/film/ect.) opens with a quote it almost always comes across as tacky and leaves a bad immediate impression, especially if that quote is something you made up yourself (like this one appears to unfortunately be).

2a. Anyone saying "Oh, cool" would have been quite uncommon as it had only very recently entered into the counter-culture slang vernacular and hearing it said by any cop or detective would have been extremely unlikely.

2b. Besides that, saying "oh, cool" in any professional setting by a fresh hire torward any superior, especially upon first meeting them, would have been firmly looked down upon and viewed as disrespectful or give the impression that they were uneducated.

3. Nobody would have said "weird ass" in the 60's. 

Just gave this a go and I just want to say it's a really fun idea and I'm looking forward to the completed project someday. That said, controling the game is pretty difficult at times, at least in the browser version. I've download the executable version as well and plan to give it a try sometime soon, so maybe it will have less issues then, but with the browser version at least a bunch of the mouse-based commands are really hit and miss as to whether or not they will work. I died when trying to place the bomb at the door in the trial because I couldn't drop the thing because the right-click menu refused to cooperate in time.

Is there anywhere specific I can follow you where you talk more about this project? I've been looking forward to it since the first announcement and demos, but haven't really heard much about it in probably 2 years or so, so I'm just wondering if there is anywhere online that you are more active where I can check out it's progress. Thank you for all your hard work! You really do put out some of the best stuff the DOOM community has ever seen.

You should really specify in the questions if you are referring to the Robot's left or right or the player's left or right. Right now all of those questions could be interpreted either way as there is no clarification.

Neat idea, but the game seems a bit broken in a number of ways.

Check other uploads on their YouTube channel. Almost every game they put up is recorded with a terrible framerate. I think they just have a fairly outdated system.

not bad, but not for me.

doesn't really fit the LSD theme beyond having abstract visuals. too much dialog and not enough game. more of a visual novel than anything.

Would be MUCH more enjoyable if there was a button we could press to instantly retry without having to sit through the "ooh, ahh, i'm going in", the "come on out with your hands on your head" and needing to grab the "re-rob" through the bars every single time you fail. I quit out of irritation from needing to wait through that rather than irritation with the actual gameplay.

Fun game. My biggest suggestion would be to add a keybind that allows the player to instantly reset them to their most recent checkpoint, probably mapped to R.

This is nothing like Iron Lung except in the most superficial way of there being a submarine, water and some monster.

I didn't really like this. All you do in it is 3 variations of what is essentially the exact same task. Hit wall, hit wall+ and flash wall. Really don't get why this is popular.

WASD didn't work for me. Not sure what the issue was. All that worked was the mouse.

How do I move? Arrow keys not working, WASD not working.

This was totally worth the $2.

Still waiting for more Lunacid tho.