- Nice visuals
- Nice background music, maybe it could change the lower the player goes?
- Good introduction text. Not sure I fully understood everything, but I guess that's always the case with upfront infos and not having played the game.
- Usually the first dig session feels some what unmeaningful. By that I mean, you can just click trough all the cards. I'm sure it's not, because performing better on that level also helps with the next ones. But having to decide which things to +10% when everything is at a 100% feels useless. I'm sure how to solve it, maybe just a different set of cards?
- A major question mark for me is: When the progress bar is down, why do the remaining cards stick around? Because the main aspect is to balance when to a negative card and when a positive. So using everything at my disposla to avoid using to many negative cards, when I get to the end so that no new cards are coming, I still have to use up the one on my hand.
- At later stages when the stats are close to 0%, ex. my health is 30% and I'm doing everything to avoid taking dmg. Just to realise I could never have made it in the first place, because I only got one "discard card" and 3 -10% health cards in the deck.
- I think it would be better when the player can just barley make it, using all possibilities to avoid having to use some of the cards (not just with discarding them)
- It might not make so much sense in terms of a card game and once you have cards in your hand you have to use them or discard them. But it might make sense "storywise", you use all your card to dig further down and once broken through to the next level, you don't need the remains cards anymore.
- Also I feel there needs to be additional dynamic based on the levels, the stakes should be higher the lower you go. They do, because you have to get all the way back again. I think the deck should be different based on the level.
- I'll definently play this some more and I'm looking forward what's more to come