I appreciate the feedback! The bar was meant to represent the number of cards left in the deck, and I was split 50-50 on whether I should end the floor when you get all the cards out of your deck or when you play the last card. I ended up going with playing all cards and adding the "storing" system as a compromise. I'm working on a post-jam version, and I'll definitely try ending the floor after all cards are removed from the deck. I do think that could solve some of the issues of being stuck with all "take damage" cards when at low health.
Lower levels do actually have unique misfortune cards, but they still have a chance of being rerolled as misfortunes from lower floors. Plus, you keep those lower floor misfortunes in your deck, which dilutes it more. I'll definitely look into making each level feel more unique! Your suggestion about different sounds for each level is a good one, and something I definitely would have done if this wasn't a jam game. The post jam version will definitely do this.