# This is the monthly narrow one recap for February 2025:
## Monthly news
Infurness ban:
On the 2nd a lot of accounts called Flower and who all had the same pfp joined the server.
Infurness then spammed dms of his friends on those accounts, Jesper saw this and banned his main account, this caused lots of outrage as many people didn't think it was a valid reason.
Infurness was then unbanned the following day.
On the 3rd February Intdgy released an insane mod with 3 features, the main one being a spectator mod, this was significant because no spectator mod was released publicly before.
Snadows bow 7 suggestion and the Roxy suggestion both surpassed 100 upvotes.
Esports received sort of a revival this month with 3 gold and 2 platinum cups being hosted by Snadow and Mustard gas.
Narrow news:
Journalist applications were reopened and the devs added a command with which the news owner can directly give people the journalist role.
The news post surpassed 36k messages.
A skin repository website was made.
N1 SMP 8:
On the 17th Alphin started the eigth season of the narrow one smp.
## Pelican party updates
King of the hill was added.
Hills alt was released.
They changed the way chat filtering works.
## Strikes
There were 79 strikes during January.
41 for 10 minutes
20 for 1 hour
11 for 1 day
7 for 1 week
## Monthly messages
Pelican Party - 120'135 β¬οΈ
2 Shots - 14'110 β¬οΈ
Wholesome gc - 14'666 β¬οΈ
Narrow One Esports - 2'351 β¬οΈ
Elite force - 7'938 β¬οΈ
Royal kingdom - 22'448 β¬οΈ
## Monthly awards
### Person
1 - Alphin - 11
2 - Grim - 9
3 - Lolopano - 4
### Player
1 - Skullislandking - 16
2 - Snadow - 8
3 - Zayfox - 1
### Youtuber
1 - Narrow one Gameplays - 13
2 - N1 edits - 7
3 - Diegotiger - 2
## Message leaderboards
1 - Grim - 8'393
2 - Howl - 6'779
3 - Alphin - 6'256
4 - Scrap - 5'268
5 - Snadow - 4'301
6 - Chronyx - 4'299
7 - Infurness - 3'696
8 - Farlands - 3'466
9 - Liya - 3'460
10 - Ping 18 - 3'336
This was the monthly narrow one recap see you in one month.