Thank you for your feedback. You clearly have played the game more than me at that point, so those issues are expected ^^ Thank you for exploring the limits of the engine.
- there’s a hard cap at 400 coins on screen, 200 in basic mode, so if you have a combo of 500 things start to break. I agree that there are some weird behaviors at that level. [Edit : the coin spawn has been rewritten to always spawn at least one coin, and put more points in the coin being spawned]
- start new game was buggy for a while, should be fixed in web version. F-Droid lags behind a lot.
- i’ll look into the coin clip issue, i’ve noticed some similar issue. [Edit : coins speed is now capped at 7x ball speed, hopefully limiting clipping issues]
- agreed, i’m rewriting the help for upgrades and will pay attention to the wording of what needs to be done vs effect of upgrade [Edit : rewrite done]
- I’ll take a look at the coins spawn bonus count interaction with percentage of catch [edit :should be fixed]
- auto pause will get a small delay after a few pauses per run in latest version
Please try the or web version ( to get the bug fixes and tell me what you think.