I am thrilled to see such a carefully crafted card game in the game jam! There's a lot of attention to player access with an in-depth tutorial and easily accessible hints for all of the various interface elements. The menu design is excellent. There's a great variety of card art, card powers, and narrative events to keep players engaged. I like the blend of 3D and 2D, I feel like it's handled very well. The music fits and there's a good variety of sound effects.
The card game mechanics focus a lot more on deck building than piloting, which isn't a bad thing, but I found that almost every hand I drew played itself. Perhaps more of the card effects could focus on rewarding careful playstyles or maybe cards can have a secondary function if left in hand at the end of the turn?
A lot of love, effort, and careful attention to details has clearly went into making this game, very well done!