This was a interesting take on an auto runner. Theming was very strong in your game which worked well. The main menu was incredibly easy to navigate and I liked how you looped the help lines unless shift was pressed. Never even considered that for our game.
The main gameplay was a bit difficult to grasp at first due to the audio being kind of flat. What I mean by this is that when you use sonar, it does fade out a very little amount, but the bounce off is sharp. So if you send out sonar in all 3 lanes at once an the sonar hits in all 3 lanes at different times, it's impossible to tell where the bounce came from.
This might be something that could be fixed by killing the sonar in the lanes you leave so only the sonar in your current lane is active. As for the lane identifier, the pitch difference was very subtle to me so it was hard to differentiate what lane I was in. Maybe instead of a single audio identifier of what lane you are in, possibly a sound of swimming could be used that would change depending on the current lane?
Fyi, I played through with my eyes closed first, and got to the game play. I honestly struggled to understand if I was playing the game right until I opened my eyes. I think some minor tweaks to the gameplay itself would greatly benefit this game! Nice work overall though and thanks for sharing it!