I installed this plugin into my project, setup a movie to play and nothing happened. It went straight to the title.
Here are my parameters and such:

Hi there, I'm sorry you're having trouble here, so let's try to fix it.
Try turning off skip mode to see if it's somehow being skipped before it starts playing.
Also, there was a change in the MZ core files a while back that broke this plugin completely until an update, which effectively stopped it from doing anything at all. Double check that you have the latest version of it by redownloading it here and using the newer plugin file.
Also ensure that the movie will actually play during a regular 'play movie' event in game as well. If there's something incompatible about your movie file, that will let us know that the problem is with the file and not with the plugin, since it's just using MZ/MV's ability to play the movie files that's already built into the engine.
I FIGURED IT OUT! I had to disable the CustomLogo plugin.
But, even though it's set to "Ignore" all player commands whenever I press a key or something it treats it like the video is just being played OVER the title and I can navigate the menus and such while the video is playing. I tried the other options and nothing. I think this is a bug.
That last bit does sound like a bug, as the videos don't play on the title scene at all, so there should be no menu or anything for the player to interact with.
The incompatibility with the CustomLogo plugin is likely the same thing that broke it in MZ a while back:
This plugin aliases the call to change scenes in rpg maker, which happens any time you swap from any scene to another scene. Menus, battles, map transitions, shops, etc. It specifically just calls the original function (so it works normally) unless the following is true about the call:
In that case, it intercepts that call and sends the scene manager to Scene_PretitleSplash (or something like that, I don't have the code right in front of me), which shows the splash screens in the given order, and then sends the player to Scene_Title after. If you have some other plugin (or the newer Core files for MZ), Scene_Boot doesn't point into Scene_Title, so this plugin never triggers. In MZ it pointed to a different scene called Scene_Splash, which I presume was created for a similar reason, but doesn't seem to be used at all except to then send the player to the title scene.
In any case, the incompatibility can be fixed by modifying my alias, by adding whatever the CustomLogo scene is called to the check, it will intercept it as it would the boot scene and work.
But also, this splash plugin can be used to show a static image as a splash screen too, so you might not even need that logo plugin if you're using this one.
I'm not really sure how it could be playing videos on the real title scene though, unless it's not waiting for the video to be finished before continuing on to the next scene. That would be a pretty major bug. I'll see what I can do about it.