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As No Time To Play said your game is now reachable through search, congratulations =), did yo make any change to achieve this? or was it a matter of itchio staff who fixed it? Also as a side note, your game is quite nice although I havent gotten the time to play fully, I suggest you put the language option in main screen instead of options but well people will find it there too, aside from that its quite a nice game, keep up the great work =)


Yes, it's finally released! My issue was the cover of this game, haha. After changing it, the issue went away. 

So, did you create a new topic for your issue? I think the moderators are not checking this one anymore. They suggested you to make a new topic.


I peek at recent posts as well, but it's easy to miss one among many. And if you reply to me rather than the OP, I'll get a notification. But really, check first, because sometimes there's a small delay even your game meets all conditions. And make sure to read the FAQ!

I see, but is it ok if I continue with this thread instead of starting a new one until the game is reachable? as I said I tried all thats suggested and checked on everything, well the Steam key is not given with the generated code I made but maybe its part of the issue, I hope you can point me in the right direction, got no reply from twitter so far


The Steam key not being handed out sounds like a different issue. And if you haven't received an answer through any channel, then I don't know. Sorry.


I see, so should I open other thread just mentioning this issue with the steam key? Aside from that the game is not reachable through search, and is not listed anywhere, I know as you said things have been a little slow lastly so in any case if you can point me to do other thing Im open to any other ideas as I have spent a  lot of time making this game and I would like it to be present here


Yes, a new topic with a suitable title will let people who can help with that particular issue spot it more easily.

As for your game's visibility, now I notice something: you're not, in fact, selling the actual game but only a Steam key. Or rather, the instructions for how to get one. This is strongly frowned upon here, and it's likely that our admins simply didn't approve your game for inclusion in searches. Can't believe I missed this detail until now. You'd be better served by removing any downloads and the minimum price, and using the dedicated field to show a proper Steam button on your game page.


Thanks a lot for your continuous help, Im sorry I did it the wrong way, never pretended to make things the way they are not accepted here, I removed the file, but Im not sure about the minimum price you mentioned, if its on sale here (the key not the actual game files) then shouldnt I keep a minimum price? Steam strongly remarks that I cant sell on lower price outside Steam and so I fixed same price. I think the Steam button should be there (well I see a Steam link dont know if I should show other button), tried on my friends account and the Steam key is not show yet, as you said this is separated issue, but just to know if all is fixed to make the game appear in search I wonder if all is correct now

(1 edit) (+2)

Well, it's not on sale, is it? Since you're not selling the game here. But look on your game's edit page, under App store links. (Edit: below the tags.) You can use those to show a nice big button that sends people to Steam, and that's that.

Of course, it would be even better if you sold the actual game here and offered a Steam key on the side. We have an external key system just for that. But if you don't want to, that's fine.

I see the Steam link that you mentioned, I think I configured this right (I see a link to Steam in game details think thats the way its suppossed to work) thanks for explanation.

And about the external keys, I think I need to ask something that maybe I got wrong, so is it allowed to sell here the Steam keys without having the game files here? like someone goes here clicks buy the game and gets the key alone?


Well I re-did the cover to ensure size is correct, I thought this issues make the game impossible to launch but anything can happen I guess, and in any case Im still having same issue, because this is the first steam game I publish maybe I missconfigured something but I sure checked on everything twice at least. Anywa Im glad your game is out =)