Hi Ben, i just purchased The Last Employee and am keen to jump in but realise I cant play it on my Analogue Pocket as I dont have the .pocket file. Are you willing to make this available via Itch.io? Also, loved The Machine and am loving Metamorphosis - picked up the physicals of both! (and still bummed I missed out on Unearthed from Limited Run)
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Oh awesome I'm glad you liked it! There's a couple of other endings you can get too. I did an investigation into exporting a pocket file for The Last Employee and unfortunately it is on a really really old version of gb studio where it's not possible to convert it to a pocket file even using the oldest methods. Unfortunately I don't have time at the moment to port it to a newer version of GB Studio because I'm approaching finishing another game. I will let you know if the opportunity presents itself to me though.
If you can be patient, I do suspect that we will be able to get Unearthed back on cartridges again and up for sale. It might take a little while though. It's tough to navigate making the games and properly distributing them. I'm glad you enjoyed Specimen 134. I think the various endings were one of the most fun parts of making the game.