I figured out "the trick" after jumping the dragon like 10 times. This was a fun moment, where I realized how well you fitted the theme of the jam. Great job.
Advice I could give: instead of straightup LYING to the player (xD which is fine in this scenario), you could give advice on how to control the game. Somebody who never played a game won't be able to play yours.
And in my opinion that sound when defeating the dragon could be a little less modern, but it was rewarding.
An easy way to (further) improve the game could be a time-limit (which would also tell the player that jump-attack might not be the way).
Besides from that: great game! It was fun, it has a clever twist, the visuals are kinda cute, the audio is rewarding. The text you wrote s very sympathetic :)
Also thanks for giving credit to the tools you used... another audio-website for my collection ;)