So now:
- Clean house is now "not implemented" for anyone
- Lusty release still has Calvin immediately put his shirt back
- Asking Calvin to cook
properly sends him to the kitchen, though I've not
checked if this removes it from your checklist - The mirror is back on the wall, although its collision
and interaction square is still well in front of it - Take a bath with Alex still says
someone is assigned to the bathroom - Actually my save seems to have a clone of Alex
in the bathroom a clone of Alex to the bathroom
who'll stay there forever - So I can't actually test taking a bath with the other two
- Wild desires with Calvin says Not Implemented
- "Lusty actions" with Brandon says not implemented, but still fades to black and has
a hearts animation afterwards - Lusty Actions with Alex says not implemented
- Alex now can be talked to after he's taken out the trash
I think that's all of them. Are any lusty actions besides masturbating when you randomly(?) become horny currently implemented?