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A member registered Aug 31, 2021

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The game works ok, but I think Body Heat pulled off that mechanic better. The oral slot being limited to just the mouth means it's almost uselessly small (you can only fit two gears in there, three if you keep your hand on the mouse), and doesn't have the digestion factor. Digestion, IMO, was vitally important to the mechanics, because not only did it counterbalance the pussy slot (with its orgasm meter) by giving the mouth slot that aspect of time pressure, it also gave said time pressure some motivation to exist because digestion was what allowed you to heal. Likewise, the pussy exit facing down and the added focus on inventory inertia makes stuff much more likely to fall out of you (whereas it was actually pretty tricky to get stuff through the cervix in BH). The hands needing to be free to climb over ledges in a game with already very precise platforming, combined with the risk of objects falling out of your mouth/pussy and into your hands mid-jump (due to inertia) make for a frustrating duo, compared to Body Heat just making you drop what you were holding at the start of your jump, IIRC.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to see that concept coming back and I think it's an idea with great potential, but I don't think the mechanical changes here were neccessarily an improvement.

The armor mechanic is a bit weirdly explained at the beginning (all upfront, too, and not re-explained unless you relaunch the game), so I fumbled a lot during my first couple attempts without even a good udea of why I died or how close to death I was. "Shield break: 3" isn't the most intuitive thing unless you actually understood how armor works.

Would also have been nice to have the damage and healing values in the card tooltips, since it's easy to forget when dealing with the face cards.

Once you get past that learning curve and realise you can leave the healing cards you don't need (so they show up later) by escaping a half-cleared room, it's actually rather easy, but a pretty neat game nonetheless!

I was a bit confused at first about where the new content was, because I didn't notice the new "pull out" button in the corner during the glory hole scene. Admittedly the monochrome color palette doesn't really give all that many ways of drawing attention to it, but you might want to look into presenting choices in a different way than an extra button next to the "press here to continue" players have been clicking the whole time.

The QTE was also pretty puzzling to me (though I'm apparently not the first to mention this), since I didn't realize you still had to click the "press here to continue" button for your click to register.