Cool. Thank you. And thanks for getting the book too. Don´t expect a literary masterpiece. It´s just a novelization of the game with a few things added like I did for my other game A Terrific Weekend Adventure. As I write my games mostly as books it would be a waste not to create the companion books to go along too.
Leave a review later. Even if you don´t enjoy the book, it does not matter as with Amazon even 1 star reviews help the books contrary to what people may think. It helps Amazon to notice that people are interacting with the book page. So when you see those reviews that take down products and you ever wondered why Amazon is interested in having people talk bad about one of their products its because of that. Any interaction with a book in Amazon will level up the product in their search engine exposing it to more potential clients. So no matter you see 5 stars in there or 1 star, to the ranking system its the same, and to any author is actually the same too. as it helps with the search engine. ;)
And as you have bought the book, don´t forget to download the game too. :)