I played this game for around an hour or so getting all the endings I thought to get, and though I haven't gotten all of them, I can already say this is a 10/10 game with its design and it's characters.
The main character's life is dull and monotonous, and that helps keep a consistency over everything as they work the same job over and over again, and their little comments about things is rather nice in the flavor text that we do get about them in any life.
Both character designs of Yasha and Sage is fabulous, unique and I love them.
Admittedly I am a bit confused as to why Yasha has fangs when he's stated to be human- only a Soup dodger- but aside from that his design is completely delightful, and the wrapping of the string around his arm is obviously perfection, as I am sure you know <3
Yasha's personality, to me, is like a felt doll that's falling apart at the seams with stuffing coming out of it.
Like, you see the outer shell just fine, but all of it's inner parts are obviously on display from wear and time passage, ie his general craziness and his old-timey misogyny whenever the MC does anything to slightly inconvenience him.
(Also, I might have just done something to avoid it, but Yasha's never mentioned an event from 1850 in my games, so I feel like I'm missing a little something ;-;)
His voice acting is phenomenal, it goes so well with the way he was written, it may just be me but I think my favorite lines from him were him mentioning that we should be childhood friends in the next life, or the train one where he contemplates dying immediately to follow the player.
Death has no meaning to him, even if he is a poor player of the waiting game.
Honestly though, the star of the show is Sage for me.
I wouldn't say it if it wasn't 100 percent true for me, but I think Sage was the best part.
I usually come and stay for the Yanderes- and Yasha was compelling for sure- but my highlight was Sage.
From a person who you're not sure if you can trust, to a person you lean into completely to get away from the possibility of death, to a true trusted comrade, to a soulmate, the journey I had with Sage was something that took me completely off guard when I came in, but had me coming back for even more.
I came for Yasha, but Sage with his earnest desire and attempts to keep you safe and protect the MC, stole my heart.
I recognize his voice actor, and it was a beautiful choice for Sage, a soft, calm and stalwart voice that is completely worthy of the Guardian of the Amnesiac Soup.
He was written so well, and after the second life I was so excited to see him again, and when the option to become soulmates unlocked, I was completely thrilled.
Not pertaining to his relationship with the MC, but I find it so funny and cute that he goes out of his way to consume human-based media to the point he knows about time loop movies and 'single pringle'.
He deserves a big kiss right upon the star in his forehead. All of his expressions were delightful and I loved him.
Aside from the boys and the way they were designed and written, the artwork in this was just delightful all around, and I can't wait for the proper implementation of the CGs, I'll be playing all over again just for those.
The music was also phenomenal, and you all put such good effort and it was all such a delight.
Thank you again, this was all so wonderful, and I will definitely be following you for more!