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A member registered Oct 23, 2022

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Hello CrimSin, I tested out the alternate ending and it worked! Holy Cow, I should have known with the glowing eyes that the High Priest was off in more ways than one, how completely fascinating! 

Thank you so much for the tip and the game, magnificent work! 

I am practically buzzing with anticipation for the full release. Everything about this makes me shiver in both horror and anticipation, because of multiple factors. 

What happened to Jackson, is he still okay? 

Why would Eden do this to us, from the messages to hacking the PC's body to pieces? 

Who was being fed to us, because that certainly was human we were being fed. 

What are the laws of this world, why are only a small section of people chosen to be put into Matching Day (If I understood that correctly) and why doesn't the system not account for those like Camila whom aren't searching for that kind of partner? 

I suppose that's what comes from it being a dystopia, but that makes me wonder how Eden got into the system and why. 

The sections with Jackson were sweet, and I really route for him and the MC, even if that isn't what the game is intending for us X) 

I really hope that the MC can get out of this situation, the ache in my chest that I felt when we found out about their legs was palpable, and I really hope for the best for them, they were dealt a pretty horrible situation without them knowing.

I look forward to more of this, keeping a very close eye and thank all of you guys for doing such a great job, the art, sprites and music are all just phenomenal so far!!! 

I decided to play this game on a bit of a whim honestly, and I'm glad I did. For one person, you really did a marvelous job. 

The fact that everyone is robes aside from their mouth and jaw gives it all a very impersonal feeling, and as a person who has skimmed over cults it seems like you invested some research into  them as well! 

(The loss of oneself, the preying on the vulnerable, the fact the vulnerable continue to be so by being overworked and investing all of their money into the religion) 

A part of me is pretty sure the 'Dream' of the High Priest is real, however I am slightly confused as to how the High Priest gets away with it what with the need for the MC to be 'pure' for the god. 

And perhaps I just didn't find a way around it, but the fact that the only thing different between the endings is the flavor text of how the MC feels gives the whole thing a sense of chilling inevitability. 

They invested their whole selves into the religion, there is no escape for them even when they do realize it, as the people they believe to be friends care more about the God and pleasing him over the terror their friend feels. 

The small section with Olivia when you try to run is heartbreaking as you ask for help, only to not receive it. 

Either way you will end up with your God, either willingly or not and that is so heartbreaking to think about when considering the MC. 

Thank you again for making this vn, you did a fantastic job and I can't wait to see more of your work! 

I played this game for around an hour or so getting all the endings I thought to get, and though I haven't gotten all of them, I can already say this is a 10/10 game with its design and it's characters.

The main character's life is dull and monotonous, and that helps keep a consistency over everything as they work the same job over and over again, and their little comments about things is rather nice in the flavor text that we do get about them in any life. 

Both character designs of Yasha and Sage is fabulous, unique and I love them. 

Admittedly I am a bit confused as to why Yasha has fangs when he's stated to be human- only a Soup dodger- but aside from that his design is completely delightful, and the wrapping of the string around his arm is obviously perfection, as I am sure you know <3

Yasha's personality, to me, is like a felt doll that's falling apart at the seams with stuffing coming out of it. 

Like, you see the outer shell just fine, but all of it's inner parts are obviously on display from wear and time passage, ie his general craziness and his old-timey misogyny whenever the MC does anything to slightly inconvenience him.

(Also, I might have just done something to avoid it, but Yasha's never mentioned an event from 1850 in my games, so I feel like I'm missing a little something ;-;) 

His voice acting is phenomenal, it goes so well with the way he was written, it may just be me but I think my favorite lines from him were him mentioning that we should be childhood friends in the next life, or the train one where he contemplates dying immediately to follow the player. 

Death has no meaning to him, even if he is a poor player of the waiting game. 

Honestly though, the star of the show is Sage for me. 

I wouldn't say it if it wasn't 100 percent true for me, but I think Sage was the best part. 

I usually come and stay for the Yanderes- and Yasha was compelling for sure- but my highlight was Sage. 

From a person who you're not sure if you can trust, to a person you lean into completely to get away from the possibility of death, to a true trusted comrade, to a soulmate, the journey I had with Sage was something that took  me completely off guard when I came in, but had me coming back for even more. 

I came for Yasha, but Sage with his earnest desire and attempts to keep you safe and protect the MC, stole my heart. 

I recognize his voice actor, and it was a beautiful choice for Sage, a soft, calm and stalwart voice that is completely worthy of the Guardian of the Amnesiac Soup. 

He was written so well, and after the second life I was so excited to see him again, and when the option to become soulmates unlocked, I was completely thrilled. 

Not pertaining to his relationship with the MC, but I find it so funny and cute that he goes out of his way to consume human-based media to the point he knows about time loop movies and 'single pringle'. 

He deserves a big kiss right upon the star in his forehead. All of his expressions were delightful and I loved him. 

Aside from the boys and the way they were designed and written, the artwork in this was just delightful all around, and I can't wait for the proper implementation of the CGs, I'll be playing all over again just for those. 

The music was also phenomenal, and you all put such good effort and it was all such a delight. 

Thank you again, this was all so wonderful, and I will definitely be following you for more! 

I downloaded the game around a day or two after it was released, and since then this game has plagued my mind every day since, prompting me to go and play it again if I can. 

This story haunts me in the best way, as it always does with 'I was made to love you' stories.

The MC is tremendously depressed, and is doing their best, even if it is to the detriment of themselves and their work. 

The loss of the original Seto, along with the inability to locate his body, is a huge gaping hole in their life, and why wouldn't it be? 

You think Highschool Sweethearts are plenty entangled, but I'm sure it's even more heinously difficult with Middleschool Sweethearts of all things! 

He's been by the MC's side since before either of them really hit puberty, they were a 1 in a billion chance of working out, and even when they did, even when they triumphed in such a way, there was still a parting that neither of them were anticipating. 

Android Seto is perfect in one sense, even if he's not a perfect replicate. 

He's the perfect possessor, as it's going to be extremely difficult for the MC to pull from him when he looks and acts to much like their dead husband, and as hinted for the future, might become more like him as he memorized any turns of phrase and mannerisms he had. 

(When he called the MC Moonlight instead of Starlight, of course it shows the difference in the both of them- but it really showed me right off the bat he didn't consider himself as the real Seto, if he did, then he would have simply mimicked the original nickname instead of giving a close one and twisting the knife. 

In my opinion anyways.) 

The soundtrack was a nice backdrop, the backgrounds were futuristic and makes me want to see more from this world, and the sprites are very nice! 

I especially like Maki, she seems so nice, and like she doesn't really take shit from anyone when push comes to shove, it must have been a bit world-turning when the Android wearing the face f her dead friend just simply appeared out of nowhere for her. 

The writing is amazing and I can't wait to see more, thank you, I'll definitely keep an eye out for future updates, I'm already hungry for more!

I tried this game out just for the heck of it because I honestly couldn't help myself X3 

I love Yanderes and the thought of putting one in a Hallmark Christmas movie (At least on Purpose) was really hilarious, so I gave this a shot. 

I know it's a beta/still in development, but some of the aspects about this I really liked even if it's not a permanent staple. 

For example the adorable chibi sprites, specifically for Ezra as it really goes to show why the protagonist thinks so little of him and potential danger because of how cute and honestly flustered his sprite is most of the time.

The art for Ai is also very cute, but he doesn't have the bonus Ezra does where he has to look harmless because of his personality X3 

I think that in the future maybe it should be explained just a bit more what the MC means by Ai being a sentient character and how they know that Ai, did he look at the camera and wink at the audience members during the movie and that's why the MC knows that?

That aside, I also love the blurry Christmas-y backgrounds. 

Because genuinely it makes it look like the MC has watched so many Christmas movies that it's literally blurry to their psyche because it's all the freaking same all the time. 

It was a really good Beta and if you decide to keep going with this I would love to see what you have :3

Have a wonderful rest of your year!

I just tried this game last night and it was short, simple and sweet! I love the artstyle you gave it, makes the characters look very soft and the writing is pretty good for a short piece, I can't wait to see more of it

I had decided to play this game on a bit of a whim, it seemed like it was going to be a short visual novel experience, so I gave it a shot and almost 2 whole hours in, I love this game. 

You have clearly put in a lot of time and effort into this, and it shows, as even with the incredibly limited backgrounds, the story and Cadmus make up for it. 

I really thought it was going to be a talk-your-way-out kind of situation. But using the guide and with my own thirst to see the endings, I got all of the good ones and then replayed the chaos ending after each one to see what he would say about the last variant that was played. 

The Care Ending is my favorite, because seeing him happy makes me happy. 

And the fact we can't save ourselves or him from this hellish situation- nor remember any further variants than the one previous- breaks my heart. (I know it would be incredibly difficult to program, and I'm definitely not asking for it, it just kind of adds to the bitterness that even when you do remember, it is only so limited, and only he is cursed to truly remember everything, even as timelines stretch so far that he remarks it's really hard to keep track.) 

Cadmus himself is the perfect blend of madness and care. 

Because he /does/ care about the MC, and that's kind of what hurts because they don't believe him on that, and it hurts his feelings every time they say so. 

It looks like he's marginally possessed considering... you know... everything, but after a few playthroughs it really goes to show. 

This might be just a headcanon, but it feels like when he starts acknowledging what happened in past timelines- so after Chaos opens- that he puts on the more crazier and obsessed look as something that both entertains the entity, and to kind of dissuade the MC from asking questions to someone who acts normally/really worried about them.

He probably tried that a few times and got hard reset /so fast/. 

Honestly the continually looping ending is so bitter in a sense. 

Cadmus loves the MC and the MC in most timelines reciprocates his feelings, but the fact that they are perpetually placed into the grinder together seems to be wearing down his spirit so much, with the MC's cheering him on being the only thing that truly seems to be powering him through with all this- aside from the fact they can't die. 

I hope they find happiness eventually, even if it isn't in the cards for them truly. 

I will still be keeping a close eye on the content update, the thought of our boy getting a voice actor seems so incredibly fun, take care of yourself!

The demo's really fun <3 

The MC's personality is really abrasive, but in the end I think it's in a charming way. 

They obviously have their own opinions, and think of things first and foremost as a bother, such as with Marcia quizzing her and when she meets Arthur and thinks of him as an annoyance- at first I wondered if her and Marcia were even really friends since MC said she only befriended her to pick her brain over uni, but in one of the 'endings' she shows she really does care by picking up Marcia from a party when her friend is abandoned and alone and says that she cherishes their friendship, which I appreciate. 

I kind of wish there was an availability to rank Dan a 3/10, no matter how attractive he is he seems to treat Marcia like trash and I'm not having it, Marcia seems very sweet if not a bit hard-headed and stubborn! 

Arthur seems very handsome and sweet as well, I know from the title and stuff that things are going to go incredibly sideways, but that's the fun of all of this! 

This game is really good and I'm going to be following to see when more comes out, thank you for this!

This game is really awesome <3 

The influence of Mushroom Oasis is incredibly heavy here, but that's definitely not a complaint! 

A cozy-feeling yandere game with an inhuman creature in the middle of nowhere who helps you out when you get hurt could never be something I would be tired of! The nod for Mychael with the little plushie is hilarious, and it makes me think that in some twisted way him and Corvin are friends across time and space because they're both pretty similar on multiple levels from the sound design to the shared consideration of the MC's food preferences  :D 

Still, the way his powers fully manifest was very well drawn out, the way the eyes were shaped and had a few differences was very nice, especially when you had them slightly looming at the bottom of the screen when they needed to, very chilling!

Corvin is pretty off-putting yet charming, definitely with a bit of attitude amongst his understandable surprise at being treated with even a shred of decency.

It's kind of sad that everyone thinks of him as cursed, yet I will admit I wouldn't be super thrilled about feeling my body and especially soul ripping into pieces either just because he was hungry XD 

Still, becoming friends with him seems like a nice choice, the fact that he saved our life at all is something I am grateful for, especially with how the game goes into talking about what happened to us falling off that cliff. The fact that we as the MC even got up at all is kind of astounding, but that's the remarkable thing about the human spirit I suppose! 

I'm really curious to find out more about the MC, with the stock they put in the blog and think about it before anything else makes me think they don't have a lot of friends aside from Ronald, and no family to speak of, which makes me think that if things go well (or unwell) with Corvin there wouldn't be much of an issue with them being at the mountain for a more sustained period. 

The artistry in the backgrounds was wonderfully done, it really gave the home a kind of dungeon-esque quality that I really enjoyed, and the mountain shots were nicely done (Dunno what the MC was talking about with how unsatisfied they were with the pictures of snowy trees, they looked really nice!) 

The world also seems pretty unique as there was mentions of cameras in the eyes and portal trains, along with mentions of obviously non-human creatures being all around to the point where there are laws and rules about how to treat humans considering how the magic works in this world. 

I cannot wait to see more of the Urban Fantasy you seem to have cooked up, it's very different <3 

I also kind of laughed when Corvin and the MC both noticed they didn't have a shadow and both panicked for different reasons, it was very kind of him to give it back so soon after realizing he forgot X) 

All in all a very nice Demo and I am very excited to see what will show up in the future, take your time, hydrate not die-drate and I'll be keeping an eye (Ha!) out for this one!

I was looking through the Yandere tag after Valentine's Day looking for games to enjoy, and I saw this one. I played through all endings in one sitting, and though my heart breaks for Milo because ultimately in the True Ending, it was done so well. 

Milo really hit a soft spot in my heart, and the way every single decision led to a different ending, I commend you on the time and effort you must have done to make that happen, with such a lovely and consistent artstyle across the board, I adored all of Milo's sprites, and Eris was always very off-putting and sinister looking. 

I honestly never really liked picking the mean options in VNs, but something about the way you wrote Eris was like something that slid into my brain and expanded and mapped over everything. 

If it wasn't for her little off-handed comments and Ryan spelling everything out, I would have been absolutely pulled under her spell, just like her other friends that hang around her. 

This game was 10/10 for me, and I hope to come back and play it again and again, just to see Milo again and feel the heavy creeping feeling that permeated the game. 

And though I called him my love since the beginning, because I always wanted him to feel loved, I think I won't try to aim for the True Ending again, I can't fracture that precious boy again. 

I know it wouldn't be possible, but I wish for his happiness. 

And, on another vein, I hope for yours too, this was a sublime experience, thank you so much for putting in the time and effort to make this!

Short but delightful, there was a bit of confusion on my end about the characters, but finding out they were to show off who was going to show up in an upcoming game honestly made me very excited for the SAUSS game, because I really want to find out more about the Yanderes of the Future, (Especially the Basketball one, I don't know why but he seems sweet). I hope to see more of what you want to come up with, good luck in your ongoing projects! <3