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Hi! This is a very cool game haha. I spoiled myself on 12 Word Searches but was able to (almost) complete this on my own! I do have a weird bug I want to bring up, no idea if it's a me issue or an actual bug lol

Rot13: Va chmmyr 4o, V znantrq gb trg gur sbyybjvat tevq: CHITRPBHNGYRHQEFA??VGV?A?. Gur svefg gjb ?f ner D naq I naq gur arkg gjb ner T naq V. V fgebatyl fhfcrpg D gb or ba gur yrsg fvqr naq gur jbeqf gb or VADHRFG naq QEVIVAT, ohg gung jbhyq znxr gur V naq gur T neovgenel. Vf guvf pbeerpg?

Thank you for playing! With respect to your rot13 comment:

Vg ybbxf yvxr lbhe tevq vf fyvtugyl jebat. Ba 4o, gur sbhegu ebj fubhyq or 'FADVI' naq gur svsgu ebj fubhyq or 'GVTAV'. Sebz lbhe pbzzrag, vg ybbxf yvxr lbh zvtug unir gur V naq I va gur sbhegu ebj fjvgpurq nebhaq (Gur I zngpurf gur R va chmmyr 4, naq gur W zngpurf gur V, fb gubfr fubhyq or qvfnzovthngrq).

Gura, gur svany cbfvgvbaf bs gur D naq T ner sbeprq fb gung lbh ner noyr gb fcryy bhg `QEVIVAT` naq `VADHRFG`, nf lbh zragvba. Gurer fubhyqa'g or nzovthvgl gurer. V guvax lbh'ir whfg zvkrq hc gur 'V' naq gur 'I' - purpx gung gur V naq W zngpu hc pbeerpgyl :Q.

Whoops, you're right. :P solved the whole thing! Very fun to figure out, thanks for making this!