Whoops, you're right. :P solved the whole thing! Very fun to figure out, thanks for making this!
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Hi! This is a very cool game haha. I spoiled myself on 12 Word Searches but was able to (almost) complete this on my own! I do have a weird bug I want to bring up, no idea if it's a me issue or an actual bug lol
Rot13: Va chmmyr 4o, V znantrq gb trg gur sbyybjvat tevq: CHITRPBHNGYRHQEFA??VGV?A?. Gur svefg gjb ?f ner D naq I naq gur arkg gjb ner T naq V. V fgebatyl fhfcrpg D gb or ba gur yrsg fvqr naq gur jbeqf gb or VADHRFG naq QEVIVAT, ohg gung jbhyq znxr gur V naq gur T neovgenel. Vf guvf pbeerpg?
The game is fun, interesting concept, haha!
Although the game felt rigged while I was playing, I seemed to keep hitting the Return to Start Squares, which could be incredibly frustrating, sorry..
Though if this would be made into a real game, I would suggest more levels (and possibly less RtS squares) to reduce repetition.
On the other hand, the platforming felt nice, although personally, I think the character moved a little too fast.