I think what could be an interesting thing, if my memory was right, if the phone number Sage gave us was just left at our home. And then when beginning a new loop it's found left on the nightstand or just someplace we check before heading to work o uo-! Just it being now apart of the loops or it could be memorized. Seeing the loops where we are repeating lines Yasha said from a previous loop and spooking him a bit hehe. Also phone number memory is indeed awful and I am lucky to have a silly number which is easy to remember loool.
Noob writer or not your game was very captivating with the need to grind for all the endings in one go fgyh
I think two ones that would be interesting, at least to me rip, probably would be their 'first' meeting as soulmates and maybe even the life with their daughter who passed from the plague. Or even any of the children for the matter as ik with the daughter I got curious about, but then curious if any of their children witnessed Yasha starting to slip in the sanity. Probably would not be fun coming home and just seeing your dad holding your mother who isn't moving anymore tghy
Lil edit but think another interesting thing could even be a first encounter with Sage in one of the past lives since the player is no stranger to him. That and in one ending he can take on the soulmate bond. Curious if he developed feelings for the player in the past lives or what his reaction when first put on this case of hunting Yasha down. Probably each past player reacting differently just as ours did either going with a plan [failing horribly] or deeming him crazed before telling Yasha or something dheueh