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A member registered Jan 22, 2022

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Love the game so far with all that is out right now. At first started to go down sad route before backtracking with a mental 'fuck that' and truly love your writing the other side with revenge in mind. With all the manga I've read with this storyline, it's a splendid absolute delight playing a game like this. I can't wait for the third part for chapter one and what plans you have awaiting for the player and the other characters~

I did it for each and single one because best to be cautious. so when it shows you the first note to click that note you go click it and then go back up to click the original note to click it. because in my first playthrough I thought it was accidental since once I realized there was a second note when clicked I was hurled to the next note. timing is important as it won't spare you if you take to long when looking back at my first go

so here's what I learned playing it from the first and second time. first time while waiting I did as instructed, but there were times when hitting the button to show you which one to hit a second one would show up. didn't really think it was correct and maybe a mistake. HOWEVER second time I did instructed, followed note, hit the exact button but after that I went and clicked on the button to see if a second note would appear [idk if it shows it automatically or you have to press it in order to revealed]. my first play got me passable but the second time with checking for those second notes got me flawless. hope that helps and is understandable ftg

I am very thankful for their company as well  and I certainly will! decided to include two pictures of my said children ;]

Apologies for the rambling-!
I saw this in my feed with a five out of five and a note of crying. I decided out of curiosity to play it. I dealt with animal loss, but never first hand as we lost a dwarf hamster [which escaped it's cage] and a ferret which I thankfully did not have to see. Which honestly I feel grateful as it happened during middle school.

The game itself hit hard, quick and fast with the purring really driving it home. We had a cat who was the second pet the first being our beloved dog. She was young still in the teen phase and told she had bowel issues. The times when those issues arose we gave her medicine. She didn't enjoy it, but it was to help her and god hearing the purrs really drove home how much I still miss her. Hugging her and having her weight against me. Thinking on the last month when she couldn't use the litterbox anymore and having to put a blanket down to hug her. 

It was hard to accept she had cancer, it was harder to accept that the best thing to do was to let go even if we could push for one more year with medication. I fed her all the treats she could ever dream of yet it'd never be enough. And when the end came she went out so swiftly the vet said she was just that weak. I wailed so loudly in that small little room with my brother beside me. We got her cremated as I could not stand the thought of her body in the ground.

When the day came to pick her up, it was heartwrenching. It hurt more that the pawprints we asked for did not look right or done correctly...but just seeing her ashes was just a punch to the gut. We held a small funeral for her, and wrapped her in the blanket she laid in most before burying her with all her toys in our backyard. Flowers and greenery growing over her alongside a little pet memorial stone I bought for her during work one day as I felt that she deserved it.

I think the funniest thing is I don't believe religion a whole lot, yet not to long after she passed I had a dream. I woke up went to our living room and there upon the couch, which my mother rid both of after her passing, she laid there. My dear Mabel, a comforter draped across and her ontop of it. How I cried as I felt this was her way of saying that she was alright, that she was better now.

Even with this loss after a few months I wanted a cat again, just the warmth and to be able to easily lift up a small body was what I longed for. On my birthday my mother surprised me by allowing me to adopt two kittens, a brother and sister. And oh were they a surprise not just because they were small, but because of all the things you'd see in the videos that'd they do. Jumping high for a toy, crying to be let into my room, snuggling under the sheets with me and just simply running to my bedroom door. Foreign things but by the stars above I love them so. 

This game brought back a wave of emotions, and by the morning I will hug them both so tightly. Though I'm scared for the day when we might have to say goodbye to my dog. She is an old sausage and she brought me the courage to walk outside by myself when I was younger. But right now I am thankful she's still here.

Well after going through the different routes, I certainly have started to enjoy this tea. For I always enjoy a good romance of any sort and will take a peak at your other works when I am able. As I enjoyed FMO and wish to read more of your writing. Looking back at the game, I can certainly begin to see that as it really did bring about a sense of curiosity for both the summoner and also those around them before the void.

Well right now with the demo itself, I found it very enjoyable. Though I won't lie it'll be certainly interesting to see what suggestions are made to add to your lovely story. 

That's quite fine, as most important thing that comes first is you along with your health and wellbeing.  Besides I find it very worthwhile to wait, that and I got a job myself now so I can understand things being slow. But whening seeing an update in the feed it both truly thrilling and exciting whether a game demo updates or reaches released.  I cannot wait to see when FMO is fully released, and can only imagine it'll be an addictive play to go down each route! 

wanted to leave a comment. but saw this game when searching for more IF games and honestly as first I didn't download it when first spotting it, though saved it in my library. though once fallen into a pleasant addiction for IF games, I stumbled upon here once more. I was getting curious and the comment by mshen19 with their spoiler really drove me over to downloading the demo. and I fell in love with the story, the summoner and the cast.  there was a bit of confusion when looking at the relations though that was cleared later when seeing color indicating which path I was going down [it really caught me off guard before being distracted by said pretty colors] 

I started with Saltire's route which mostly driven by the spoiler comment. and by golly was he such an innocent bean during his route. and then after him I went for Rez next. and dear lord above that man can just sweep me off my feet any day. I don't even care of the betrayal, from what my memory hopefully recalls right, for the memories had with him just hits me right in the heart. first the flower, and then the other memory with his reaction to the summoner being injured? I was confused when getting carried off before realizing the intentions and my heart broke.  even with his tough appearance, he, in my eyes, is a soft squishy bean to the summoner when on his path. first gotta just crawl further in to see it.

I went to Mirren next because made sense. and agree with mshen19 about there being more angst when coming to this man. that and I felt so attuned to the summoner's feelings when doing his path [and the memories] and when being fed by him I was mentally flipping a table for the summoner. while I am not the greatest at picturing things mentally due to aphantasia, but the emotions were strong enough to push through to get an idea. 

the only routes I have not gone down yet is the snake and coyote route. I am intrigued and likely will go down them eventually. 

can't lie felt bit sad with the interactions being feeling few in the first chapter, though the flashbacks for ROs push the sorrow aside with getting me excited for what you may have planned for each route. also slowed my own playthrough as I had to minimize the screen so I could glance back at the character art before melting at the radiating good looks of the cast. 

I am looking forward to when the full game comes out whenever it does. I have a feeling I'll give to temptations and crawl over to your patreon if my wallet looks healthy so that I may support you and feed into seeing updates. 

he did get many  the chuckles out of me during interactions with him along when the it was his perspective and his thoughts in the relationship section of the profile. I can only imagine the moment when trust is built with him or the other fellows will be a glorious moment until something happens to cause chaos in that built trust to spice things up

the allure of making an immortal falling in love is very excellent. I went back for Rylan and Blane mainly because I wished to see the reactions at the club and was not disappointed. K is still at my top, but Blane and Rylan tie next because ooo the glorious angst from Blane followed with chaotic Rylan.

I am only filled with determination to incite chaos upon this poor warlock. no matter what walls they may build I will climb over them. I can't wait to see it! I will romance the hell out of them no matter what.

(1 edit)

stumbled upon this game when looking for more twine games, and when seeing a chance to romance a warlock and cause some chaos with emotions? very much sold me. I really love the profile and was very obsessed with checking the relationships to see what each fellow thought about me. loved both Kain and Rylan the most outta the bunch. much so that when playing it all over again to try getting Kain to become more open so I torture him so with emotions, I wished could also romance Rylan as well. overall I am extremely hooked and addicted to this game and where things go next.

there were moments when I could very much relate to the things that were written. most of it while attending college. just having to juggle trying to remember what assignments, memorizing class times/fixating hard on when said classes ended, running to the next class from one part of the campus to another. then my thoughts got halted when being faced with the option of hardcore petting some fabric, dragged me back the those elementary days. sitting down for story-time and rubbing the carpet furiously because that pleasant sensation until it got to much.

random from the petting of fabric, the struggle of trying to keep focus is hard, and there times when anxiety picks up with intense hardcore leg shaking until it brings about pain and just there were moments I felt connected to what was said. I've been scolded so many times for my poor memory despite being a young adult it's just I'm left in a daze frozen in place trying to figure out what the heck I was meant to recall. a former friend said they think I might have autism, then so did a therapist I saw followed by a doctor. not diagnosised yet as it's costly, but it's nice when you can get something confirmed and just come to this moment - I understand why these things the way they are.

another random bit I kept thinking whenever seeing the staitc pop up, I'd actually hear it. another random is my brain trying to logic picking up the things [by piling them all into the shirt] and then getting spooked by the medication.

Played through both routes that are out, and it was truly enjoyable. It was a surprise and delight hearing voice acting for San's and Gaster...I can only imagine the silly delight of Papyrus voice acting and can't wait to hear him. One thing I noticed, I don't know if this is just me but near the end right before facing the final fellow, the image for the soul did not load not until it was hollow. Also got surprised with Gaster talked normally at the end of his route then signing either way had a blast playing!

despite this not being to far in, with what is given so far is absolutely fantastic. love the conversation at the start [my only frustration I had was when trying to scroll up while the text popped, and I was dragged back down. like Siren!Sans dragging me to the water] a unique lil start and giving an excuse to lead our poor character to the game itself. felt a bit sad the soul trait gone with be determination, but that faded away after first fall and makes much sense. as no other soul trait could endure...that and also piss of a certain skeleton that I was downright cackling as I refused to perish. 

with the only encounters being of flowey, and dear sweet toriel my heart truly broke once I finally got about reaching the end of the demo. she was so sweet, and also even when I fucked up I just went right back to where I was prior [I had a mental lil snort thinking if there'll also be a death tracker as in your other work of Underfell]

I cannot wait to see what you have in store for the upcoming chapters and the undertale cast met along the way!

new time learning of this undertale au [which led me to reading the comic on tumblr which really gave me more excitement in playing]. with what's given so far I love the all the details given just all throughout. from the start and up to the end of the demo itself.  just words fail me as I want to say more, but just what is given so far has ripped out my breath because of how in awe I am at your work so far for this game.

a soft sorrow as the game is a demo, but still packed with so much tasty story to munch upon like sweet chocolate all the while. I really love how you wrote the undertale characters, truly drew me in. as my only other interaction with mafiatale content is a webtoon comic about it, through this Sans is so much better then the comic drawn about the fanfic lol.

seeing the clues on the side was such an interesting lil bit, opening them up and reading the bits of information the character collects throughout the game. loved the jumps from awake to dream, and not only that but the visuals on the text really grab hold of one's attention and just keeps luring me back in. which happened as that hecking doctor rose I kept getting caught by him. I didn't even realize my choices led me to that end until I looked in the comments for the answer. 

overall such a true hecking joy with playing what has been put out so far and can't wait for what's to come

extreme excitement when thinking on romancing the hell out of Paps. just something about puns is so attractive for some reason honestly. I admit my sense of direction is awful that I was running in circles in the two areas that had the character going in different directions. but it only made me more determined to keep pushing forward.

there was a thrill to searching for the notes while on the side hardcore romancing Paps [and later Sans when playing a second time through]. I restarted quite a few times due to missing items, and questioning where one would earn a pretty coin to buy items [which when did learn it was truly satisfying]. 

I also enjoyed the random bits with Gaster popping up, and just had a dark lil thrill going against what was asked [and flipping the screen when my desire to go against the order was useless] I got caught at the lab as I did not know about the patience of waiting a bit longer.

utterly caught off from Gaster's voice or well his humming. truly alluring with the voice actor that I ended up a second time with the ending before going to the walkthrough to find the answer.

from there I enjoyed the rest of the game and romanced both the skeelton brothers [excluding Gaster, as Siren Call Gaster got in my head seeing him as a guardian figure rip] also the surprise in the lab was such an interesting bit and just truly a good shock for what is discovered.

once completed I enjoyed reading the lil drabbles, a tasty and lovely bonus

got surprised when reading there were no saves. it just added more of challenge as stated in the note itself. my first time in the game itself felt exciting, but when getting to moving from the beginning spot...I downright got creeped by the sounds that echoed into my ears. to which it really plays with giving an eerie vibe at the very start. also the fact the text takes time to pop up slowly adds to having a cold lil crawl up the spine not knowing what comes next [until of course having to reset then it becomes sorta normal but the sounds still spook me right on out]

besides the the spooky sounds, when sleeping came upon the player, the shift in the sounds playing was addicting in a sense. I lingered longer on them as the music was so soothing. it was one thing I enjoyed with each reset. 

the story itself, each and every interaction...honestly just everything is breathtaking and really held my attention and I felt so much sorrow later on into the game when getting to the hotlands. I felt the character's depressed state, and it just brought me up when I found the shop.

after that going into the endings, I ended up getting the friendship which made me bit sad, and then got confused with the cycling and thought it was a reset and Sans would remember in the next go. I learned it the hard way until cracking and going to the walkthrough. and I liked the small lil bonus that is shown with the romance route [and also the interaction of the great power of the character holds over Sans during the romance route truly hilarious] 

I stumble in from another comment section, but very much enjoyed this just as the last. one thing I loved in this one was that you made it so the game actually tracked how many times you proceeded to perish cbrought out a surprised little snort as a result. also enjoyed that when the reload happened it didn't ask me to go to my saves, and just sent me right back. just so I could add to the counter which I have no regrets.

moving on, I really enjoyed the voice acting sprinkled about. the places that they get used at really give the player a strong will to try try try again and stick it to 'em until you get everything correctly. 

though I had only romanced one skeleton man, I ended up getting one ending with a neutral end, and proceeded to spend an entire night until I got that romantic ending I so craved.

first time ever making a comment on this website [more will follow as I shall comment on your other works]. at first I was just searching for dating sims, reading the tiny lil summary that popped on the side. didn't even realize it was an undertale au. I simply saw catching the attention of a deranged siren and I was hooked instantly. it was not until I started did I realize that it was undertale.

I am rambling a bit, but I was much to drawn in by chance of a yandere siren, and more so when looking up an image for Siren!Sans. and having an visual really drew me in strongly as a siren's call would lure you to a bad end. 

one thing I enjoyed right away during the character customization was the player being able to choose their soul trait. this led me to become hooked for Kindness for the entire game and others if it was an option. 

for me, I am not the best with visualizing written bits due to not being able to visualize in my head. yet how the game was written, and the story went brought upon having many different feelings, as if I were actually feeling as the character I controlled. from the interactions with Sans [which I loved the visuals given to whenever he spoke, hovering over it had me staring for a couple of minutes as the colors changed] to the relationships that progressed from beginning to end.

speaking on fancy bits to text, I felt like a moth to a flame with how you did the effect for Gaster's text. quite surprised me on the first go [I played the game a second time because I am addicted] and was excited when seeing it in your other works.

honestly this game itself has both brought back into loving undertale [and the lazy bones known as Sans] and also become a bit of a comfort with how you've written Siren!Sans in the game. can't lie when playing your other works, and hearing some voiced parts...I could only imagine a voice being attached to this siren skeleton and I felt giddy as all heck.

after the ending, seeing the bonuses was a delight, and I loved each and every bit to absolute death. with Sans' pov with the encounters with the other humans made me with to see how perspective with the others as I was so curious with what deaths were because of what they did or what they said about the character

also biscuit...I say the word a whole lot and could only snicker using it as my go-to curse word in your works X33