You were right about restarting. There is no longer a problem going south from the stable or a blank object at the manure pile. This means I was now able to get the dung beetle, but the spider did not want any of the three treats that I'd found. I needed that candy, but there was no way that the old female was going to give it to me. Then I discovered that you had a solution on the game page.
WARNING! Spoilers ahead.
SNATCH FEMALE. Give me a break. I wouldn't have guessed that in a million years! I don't even know what it means. Perhaps you meant STEAL CANDY or something like that. Also, SPANK DOLAN is pretty obscure. Are there any synonyms? SPANK is not a word we'd be likely to use in Australia. I think I tried HIT, SLAP, WHACK and a few others.
I really liked the concept behind this game, but the random events, the food/drink/sleep issue, the lack of in-game hints, the repetitive nature of some of the puzzles and the guess-the-verb issues really let it down. Despite that, I'm looking forward to your next game.
Anyway, a couple of final grammatical issues:
"Wof wof" should be "Woof woof".
"Here is he" (when Dolan appears) should be "Here he is".