concept is amazing. took me a while to get, but its a really great idea for a game! I think the biggest thing missing here is a small tutorial to help explain mechanics, as well as some ui polish.
i couldn't tell you could upgrade your captured monsters, that they had a insubordinate meter, that you had to whip them, that redrawing used up 3 ticks of time, etc.
once i got it though, it was super fun. another thing,
the whole "monsters that can block damage thing" was not well explained either, i picked up on blue monsters being blockers on my own.
so yeah my greatest critiques is a lack of explanation
and lacking ui.
second greatest critique would probably be artwork
and animation obviously not a huge priority this early on but its a
bit choppy and needs some work.
now assuming I understand this game correctly,
the weapons system might need some polish as well.
the only difference i noticed was putting a status on
an "attack all" weapon meant the monster could attack all enemies. otherwise, you have 2 cost weapons
that do 1 damage and 2 cost weapons that do 2 damage,
and its kind of lame to just have a worse version of
another weapon imo.
great work and sincerely hoping you stick to this!
this has lots of potential!