very fun
Recent community posts
concept is amazing. took me a while to get, but its a really great idea for a game! I think the biggest thing missing here is a small tutorial to help explain mechanics, as well as some ui polish.
i couldn't tell you could upgrade your captured monsters, that they had a insubordinate meter, that you had to whip them, that redrawing used up 3 ticks of time, etc.
once i got it though, it was super fun. another thing,
the whole "monsters that can block damage thing" was not well explained either, i picked up on blue monsters being blockers on my own.
so yeah my greatest critiques is a lack of explanation
and lacking ui.
second greatest critique would probably be artwork
and animation obviously not a huge priority this early on but its a
bit choppy and needs some work.
now assuming I understand this game correctly,
the weapons system might need some polish as well.
the only difference i noticed was putting a status on
an "attack all" weapon meant the monster could attack all enemies. otherwise, you have 2 cost weapons
that do 1 damage and 2 cost weapons that do 2 damage,
and its kind of lame to just have a worse version of
another weapon imo.
great work and sincerely hoping you stick to this!
this has lots of potential!
very cool considering it was made in less than two days. for improving the game, i'd reccomend new abilities outside of two options after each floor, and some balancing. i only did the big one every time for dash length and power and it was a cake walk on hard mode.
love the concept of the samurai ant tho pretty neat
pretty fun! negatives and positives:
only real bug i encountered is sometimes the hit detection was a bit off on the rocks and trees at the end. near the endgame, the rocks would sometimes stop registering i was hitting them by playing a sound effect when i was torching them.
not a lot of content here, which is perfectly fine.
unsure what the loss conditions are. can the enemies run the meter on the left to the bottom? Is that how you lose?
really unique roguelike idea! not only is the gameplay cool, but the worldbuilding is neat as well. I like the simplicity of "fight the ice, protect the fire". The day night cycle of combat makes perfect sense too.
if you build on this game with more enemies, weapons, an upgrade system, etc, i think you could make something people would buy to play!
show this to anyone you want to work together with as a project, i think plenty of people would be stoked to have a programmer who made something like this. great work.