New since last DD:
- Resting rework - the rest action can now be used to heal partially, release an Automon to heal fully, or upgrade an Automon if you have 2 of a kind
- Oh yeah, Automon upgrades/evolutions also implemented. Mobird also got added into the game due to this
- You can now encounter random NPC trainers in wild areas
- There are Gym areas near the center of the map, where you can fight a monotype boss to get a badge that boosts your type bonus of that type by 1
- Wil areas now have pre-assigned Automon types, visible to the player (3 per area type)
- UI now has a type chart, "last battle result" panel and more info on other players in the game
- A tutorial now appears in bot matches, and bot matches have no timer
- Debatably better visuals in some places
- Fixed a LOT of things